STRANGEWAY Champions CSA Victim
Anti-corruption and transparency campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY, who is an independent Independent East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor for the Pocklington Provincial Ward, has published – with the consent of the victim – allegations of an extraordinary ‘Duty of Care’ failure over many, many years. At Andy’s request, the Enquirer reproduces his publication below, as our Guest Author.
Victim Responds To Buckley’s Vile Suggestion
Victim of ERYC Graham Baverstock has requested me to publish his response to Mathew Buckley’s suggestion that he is a vulnerable adult, as reported in ERYC Conceal Child Abuse: Attempt To Silence.
It disgusts me that ERYC will stoop so low to defend their shameful conduct towards Graham.
Email From Graham Baverstock To ERYC
(The following was written by Graham last night and is reproduced verbatim)
I formally raise a complaint against Matthew Buckley Head of Legal Services for interference with my right to family and private life and my legal right to disclose to the media any matter that is deemed in the public interest since i am the person that is affected by your council false claims
I deem the fact that East Riding Council officers attempted to blacken my character by stating to its Councillors AT THAT TIME that I was not a victim of Child Abuse when I was VICTIM whether your council deems me vulnerable or not that is not the issue at hand the issue is that my honesty and credibility was brought into question by your officers therefore through the reporter A Mr Andy Strangeway I gave information to this gentleman to get published my account to set the record straight that your council officers misled its own Councillors by stating i WAS NOT A VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE
More so your Matthew Buckley Head of Legal Services claims that a Councillor Andy Strangeway could have exploited me this is in my view an attempt to bring into question the integrity of Councillor Strangeway and your council should say you are sorry to him for inferring he had exploited me
I have instructed my Child abuse Solicitor to write a letter once this has been written your council will receive it and I will post for the whole world to see#
You are attacking Councillor Strangeway Solely as he has been supportive to me against the wicked and deliberate acts of your council to exploit my care needs your council has cruelly abused me over many years your council has exploited beyond words your council has systematically abused me by neglect trauma and forced me to endure adverse conditions for the last 7 years
Your council attempted to fake a care assessment that is exploitation that was done only a year ago
A quote from Mr Buckley Letter below
This is therefore an opportunity for you to consider whether these actions have the potential to exploit the individual and to remind you that under the Care Act 2014 we all have a duty to safeguard vulnerable adults.
Mathew Buckley
Head of Legal and Democratic Services
Let me make it clear neither Andy Straangeway the reporter or Councillor Andy Strangeway has exploited me as I have years ago waived my right to anonymity togive interviews to the news channels and the press i Also recall my Solicitor writing to your council objecting to the false claims your officer stated in or around 2007 however subsequently under THE CQC PARAGRAPH 20 CANDOUR your council is guilty for covering up the systemic abuse and severe exploitation of my person what action are you taking to ensure the abuse I endure is halted or are you going to continue to allow your officers in social services the right to continue to abuse me by wanton willful neglect and by abuse of public office in the process and by your officers lying to defraud me care
secondly I may be disabled and vulnerable in terms of my health which your council ignores but i have full mental capacity to make my own decisions based on what I determine not what your council determines for me since i am subjected to oppressive regimes of bullying and abuse by your council are you investigating your own council for these actions or are you going to bury them under the carpet as the normal case is within your council
Your council agenda is to harm me and abuse me in any way you can get away with it even if it means lying as the case has been for many years just to stop me getting care
i like this highlighted below
“This is therefore an opportunity for you to consider whether these actions have the potential to exploit the individual and to remind you that under the Care Act 2014 we all have a duty to safeguard vulnerable adults.”
however east riding council has no duty to protect me it abuses daily weekly monthly yearly and it abuses me at will severely and with impunity it has seriously harmed me by way of serious neglect now what East riding council this is going to be posted on the net
at my direction i want the world to see not only i was a victim of serious sexual abuse but serious neglect at your council hands which you glee over
whilst on the subject i am about to release a statement that will rock the foundations of your council
your council has harmed me for far too long with impunity it will now stop
you may threaten your Councillors but you will not threaten me ever again restore my care package that was stolen off me by willful deception of facts simple as
lastly i thank you for sending our precious police officers up tonight wasting their time when you could resolve issues and I told the police officers I will commit suicide as promised
east riding council lies to defraud and ill man of care
Request To Caroline Lacey ERYC Chief Executive
I have requested of Caroline Lacey:
- A meeting as a matter of urgency
- Acceptance that I can be an advocate for Graham
- An investigation into ERYC concealing child abuse
- A full and unreserved apology for Graham for the way ERYC have treated him especially over recent weeks
- An urgent review of Grahams care needs with myself present