Friday, February 14, 2025

ERYC: Confidential Bullying Report Published

ERYC: Confidential Bullying Report Published

Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY has published a ‘leaked’ Local Government Association (LGA) Confidential Peer Review which reveals the extent of the bullying culture at East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Regular readers will be aware that, under the tag-line ‘The Tail is Wagging the Dog’, the Enquirer has been highlighting the way in which long-serving Officers at Scarborough Borough Council have countermanded the democratic process for some years now, so it will come as no surprise that a parallel culture has prevailed at County Hall in Beverley.

Equally, it will come as no surprise that ERYC Officers have attempted to stifle this report – and bury it.

The following extract conveys the broader tenor of the report:

“Senior Officers maintain a tight grip on the Council’s resources, capacity and delivery mechanisms. There is a risk to the Council of power and decision-making resting in a small number of people outside the democratic process.”

“Outside the democratic process” – Thus does the tail wag the dog . . .

Confidential “Bullying Report” – Published For Circulation



On Monday, I published the ERYC Bullying Report – Leaked Councillor’s Email. Today, I have received the Confidential Bullying Report.

As a true Independent, I believe it only fair that I offered ERYC Councillors a simple vote free from the whip:

  • “In the public interest, would you like me to publish just the front page of the report or the full report?”

The overwhelming majority voted for the Full Report.

Having spent three years as an Independent ERYC Councillor between 2016 and 2019, followed by three years since looking back in, I fully endorse the findings in the report.

I will not offer further comment at this stage but I can reveal that a senior person at Stoke Council, who I will call ‘D’, has confirmed that the report is finished and complete. So why did ERYC delay the publishing?

I offer the no longer Confidential Bullying Report to the Court of Public Opinion.

Please see ERYC Confidential Bullying Report

I would encourage East Riding residents to download the full document and circulate it to their networks. Alternatively, circulate a link to this post to your networks.

Should I expect to hear from me old mucker Mr Buckley to fulfil the legal requirements of ERYC in relation to a breach of Data? Of course, this breach MUST be reported to ICO.


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