HERO SUMNER (Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers’ Association) has requested that her Open Letter to all business proprietors potentially liable for the YCBID Levy, in the Borough of Scarborough and the East Riding of Yorkshire, is published into the public domain. The Survey referred to in Hero’s Open Letter is downloadable – here.
Season’s Greetings to You All,
It is now 4 long years since the DBID was ‘voted in’ by exploiting our democratic system via paid Officers ‘advising’ elected members. Those paid Officers are STILL chanting the mantra that despite the VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in July by SBC elected members … “SBC/ERYC Councils are legally bound to collect levy payments”.
We have absolute proof that this is not the case and this fact has been buried by paid Officers who are refusing to release a report (paid for by all rate payers) that will uphold the case that SBC and ERYC, having paid and reclaimed VAT to the Yorkshire Coast BID, are, in fact the PRINCIPAL(S) and NOT the AGENT of YORKSHIRE COAST BID LTD.
Legally, VAT is only payable on SERVICES and PRODUCTS. Anyone has the right to refuse or dispute a ‘service’ or a ‘product’ if it is considered not fit for purpose.
As successful business owners, you will always question certain aspects of prospective employees/suppliers/partners…
1) INTEGRITY – Can they be trusted? Will they be granted access to your finances? Will this benefit enable you – or them?
2) CAPABILITY – Are they actually capable of delivering what they promised on their c.v./at interview/performance review?
With regards to the DBID, all of the above can be proven/disproven by all of you over the next few days, in preparation for the court case in January.
Whether you’ve paid under sufferance or are still undecided, please take a few moments to read the next couple of e-mails we’ll be sending with attachments.
1) An FOI request that the KPMG VAT advice that was sought by SBC confirms the VAT situation and verifies that SBC are, in fact PRINCIPAL and therefore perfectly legally entitled to end the DBID. The more of you who submit the FOI requests, the more noise we will be able to make. At the moment, it would appear that this information is being withheld, until ‘after the court case in January’ (???????).
2) A survey for your own use which has been carefully constructed using the ‘Business Plan’ that the DBID promised to deliver. At the moment, they are claiming that they are delivering what they promised and therefore justifying their own existence.
If there are any aspects of the YCBID that aren’t mentioned in the survey – think about any of their initiatives you’ve been involved with and the results it has acheived…how did the Soapbox Challenge in Bridlington affect your business? Did the KrampusRun in Whitby make you a business superstar? What benefit did you get from Ambassadors and Scarborough GiftCard? Honest answers, please…
Don’t forget that the North Yorks Enquirer, Stop the Yorkshire Coast BID and Against Bid (Facebook and websites) are all great sources of informed debate….
Season’s Greetings to You All,
Hero Sumner