With less than three weeks to polling day, the North Yorks Enquirer has been informed that candidates for the forthcoming SBC local elections have been taking part in a private survey asking key questions regarding their satisfaction (or otherwise) – as taxpayers, rather than candidates – with Scarborough Borough Council’s performance during the past four-year Council term.
The survey is believed to have been drafted and circulated by the same individual (known only as ‘the Scarborough Petitioner’) who floated the petition which garnered 2,480 signatures in support of the Vote of NO CONFIDENCE in Leader Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] and his seven Cabinet Portfolio Holders.
The seven questions on the survey go to the heart of the most contentious decisions and are, therefore, of paramount interest to a wider readership – not least, those who intend to vote in the forthcoming elections.
Fortunately, NYE readers now have the opportunity to express their own views, anonymously and in confidence, on the same series of questions. In order to avoid influencing responses, a detailed analysis of the results will be displayed only after the polling booths close at 10:00pm on Thursday 2nd May 2019.
Please feel free to invest 1 minute in expressing your opinions:
Scarborough Borough Council Tax Payer Customer Satisfaction
Independent Survey