A Letter to the Editor from David CLARK, of Middlesbrough, who once again writes to pose a question pertinent to his continuing investigations into the POULSON affair and its unique place in the roots of corruption and allegations of blackmail in a number of North Yorkshire local government institutions. (David’s earlier contributions can be viewed here and here).
Dear Mr Editor,
Whitby Town Council, Scarborough Borough Council, North Yorkshire County Council and the North Yorkshire Police Authority . . .
- “Was an ex-employee of J.G.L. Poulson Ltd a member of the public authorities mentioned above at any time during the last thirty years?”
Thank you for allowing me to pose the question.
Kind regards,
D.W. Clark
David W. CLARK, Middlesbrough. 10th June, 2015.
[Answers c/o letters@nyenquirer.uk– please enter ‘POULSON ANSWERS’ in the Subject-line]