Monday, February 17, 2025

“Please Give Me A Ticket!”

A Letter to the Editor from campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY, writes to set the scene for some interesting developments in the on-going scrutiny of the legalities (or lack thereof) behind the Scarborough Borough Council on-street parking regulations.


Dear Editor,
As a National Campaigner I specialise in parking issues.

On 18 August 2015 a motorist requested that I became their Appointed Agent to represent them to challenge a PCN (parking ticket) they had been issued by Scarborough Borough Council (SBC).

On 1 September SBC informed me that:

  • “I shall arrange for a Notice to Owner to be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle to enable formal representations to be made. Should these be rejected, the registered keeper will then be given the opportunity to appeal to the Parking Adjudicator.”

It is now six weeks since SBC issued the motorist a ticket for an alleged breach of parking legislation and four weeks since SBC last communicated with me but no Notice to Owner has been sent.

I am in no doubt that SBC know that the motorist has no case to answer and they know that the Parking Adjudicator will also rule against them. In my opinion, SBC are intimidating innocent motorists in an attempt to raise funds to fill the black hole in the SBC Pension Pot.

I have emailed SBC requesting that they issue the motorist with a Notice to Owner. I look forward to the motorist receiving the Notice to Owner but do not hold my breath.

Kindest Regards,
Andy Strangeway
Andy STRANGEWAY. Pocklington. 30th September, 2015.

—– Original Message —–

From: “Andy Strangeway”

To: “Jane Wilson” <

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 5:50 PM

Subject: SJ06113557

Dear Jane,

Could I please refer you to

As the motorist has waited six weeks could I please request that you issue the Notice to Owner at the earliest opportunity?

Kindest Regards,

Andy Strangeway

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