PARNABY: The Questions Multiply

PARNABY: The Questions Multiply

  • an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, pursuing further avenues of investigation into the business dealings of ERYC Leader Councillor Stephen PARNABY O.B.E. [Con.] and reporting on the latest allegations levelled by Cottingham developer Mr Peter ROBINSON.


Following the recent allegations against ERYC Leader Councillor Stephen PARNABY [Con.] and a significant contingent of ERYC Planning Department personnel, an examination of the man’s Register of Interests seemed in order.

Readers may examine Councillor PARNABY’s Register of Interests for themselves here, on the ERYC web-site.

At first glance, Councillor PARNABY’s disclosures appear comprehensive, listing the following disclosable interests in their respective categories:

  • Cottingham Caravan Storage
  • Beverley & Holderness Conservative Association
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council Conservative Group
  • Humber Bridge Board,
    Humber Unitary Leaders,
    Local Government Yorkshire & Humber,
    Local Government Association,
    County Council Network,
    Humber LEP,
    North Yorkshire, Yorkshire & East Riding LEP
  • National Farmers Union
  • Hull Animal Welfare Trust
  • Conservative Party Membership
  • Dove House Hospice
  • Honorary Vice-President of North Ferriby Football Club

However, I could find no mention of ARVARTO Government Services (Ltd) [Company number 05429280] on Councillor PARNABY’s Register:

The following entry provides a more complete record:

ARVARTO, of course, was ERYC’s £14M per annum out-sourcing partner in a deal back in 2005 touted to bring 600 new jobs to the East Riding of Yorkshire in four years – but came up with only 153 by 2009.

Nevertheless, ARVARTO still managed to pick up a £180M similar contract with Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council in Merseyside. Yorkshire Post coverage here.

With that information in hand, I decided to dig a little deeper.
But I must postpone reporting on my further findings until another occasion, because today’s events have compounded the above information; I have been asked to submit for publication the next in a series of emails/letters from Mr Peter ROBINSON, the Cottingham property developer whose earlier allegations have put ERYC into re-hab:

Mr ROBINSON’s latest email, addressed to ERYC Councillors, attaches a PDF document addressed to ERYC Chief Executive Officer Caroline LACEY (who has scarcely had time to acquaint herself with her new role).

It arrives, serendipitously, at precisely the right moment to lend credence (and concern) to the ARVARTO connection, outlined above.

Here follows Mr ROBINSON’s email to ERYC Councillors, followed by its attached PDF document:

From: Peter Robinson
Date: 25 Apr 2017 8:46 a.m.
Subject: Malfeasance in public office by the Leader of the Council, Cllr. Stephen Parnaby. Unjust use of the planning system by senior council officers.
To:  East Riding of Yorkshire Councillors

Dear Councillors
New ammunition in the letter attached will be delivered 10.30am today.
This fox not only has the keys to the chicken shed, he also controls the gun cabinet.
Where are the gamekeepers?
Nigel Pearson was scared of foxes, Mathew Buckley is scared of guns (they go bang)
Can the new Chief Executive, Caroline Lacey pull the trigger?
Peter Robinson
[*Nigel PEARSON is the recently-retired Chief Executive Officer at ERYC; Mathew BUCKLEY is the incumbent Head of Legal & Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer; Caroline LACEY is the recently-appointed new Chief Executive Officer – much to the chagrin of the Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration, Alan MENZIES].

Download the PDF file ROBINSON_4_PDF.

So the questions do indeed multiply.

But, in my view, one question towers above all others:


I conclude this installment with a hint that my next report will draw upon material from an entirely separate and distinct source.

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