Monday, March 3, 2025

Another NYE Investigation Vindicated

Another NYE Investigation Vindicated

It has been a good week for the NYE crime desk.

  1. On the 4th of October 2017 I received a commemorative mouse mat from the North Yorks Moors Railway in thanks for our support after it was the subject of an attack by vandals. Report here.
  2. On the 5th of October 2017 the report by Wiltshire Police into the allegations of Child Sexual Abuse against Sir Edward Heath, Operation Conifer was published, which vindicated the North Yorks Enquirer investigation’s conclusions that Ted Heath was not a member of the Jaconelli/Savile paedophile ring that operated in Scarborough and Whitby with the protection of North Yorkshire Police. NYE article here.

At the end of that article I stated “The full report has been provided to the Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). The NYE will cover any comment or observations on from the IICSA on Operation Conifer and Operation Hibiscus in due course”.

  1. On the 11th of October 2017 the following article was published in the BBC here, which vindicated our investigation into paedophile Sir Cyril Smith MBE.

In the world of citizen journalism, it doesn’t get much better than that!

The NYE Cyril Smith and Lord Janner investigations

The NYE investigation into Sir Cyril Smith MBE began because we were aware that Smith was a child abuser, a close friend of Jimmy Savile and had visited Scarborough. I was trying to ascertain if he was also a member of the Jaconelli ring. In the event, my enquiries into Smith drew a blank and I concluded there was no evidence to support his involvement in the Jaconelli/Savile paedophile ring.

At the same time I also conducted an investigation into paedophile Lord Greville Janner

The investigations we had running (Jaconelli, Savile, Thorpe, Heath, Janner, Smith) carried on concurrently, but we ran the articles focussed on one or another.

In one of the Janner articles Lord Janner update I stated:

The Cyril Smith cover-up by MI5, the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service

Another Chief Constable has now spoken out confirming that the Crown Prosecution Service protected establishment paedophiles.

Chief Constable Albert Laugharne CBE QPM of Lancashire Police rose to become Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police before retirement. He has confirmed that the Crown Prosecution Service asked Lancashire Police to lie about allegations concerning Cyril Smith in the 1970’s.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Mr Laugharne confirmed that Assistant Chief Constable Joe Mounsey had approached him. Mr Mounsey was the Head of Lancashire Police CID and arguably one of the top detectives in the British Police Service at the time. He was widely admired for his determined investigation of the Moors Murders, which resulted in the conviction of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. ACC Mounsey raised concerns that a very senior figure in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in London had asked him to lie about past investigations into Cyril Smith.

The files on Smith were later removed from Lancashire Police Headquarters by Officers from the Metropolitan Police Special Branch probably acting on the orders of MI5.

It is also alleged in the Mail that in 1981, Sir Cyril Smith was arrested at a paedophile orgy in London at which under age boys, a senior member of one of the intelligence services and two senior Police Officers were present.

Smith, of course, was released without charge and the Police Officers who had threatened him were  threatened with the Official Secrets Act.

Full report from the Daily Mail here.

The Liberal MP was stopped on the M1 in Northamptonshire during the 1980s and child pornography was found in his car – enough evidence to arrest and charge him. But he was released from Police custody after making a telephone call to London and the evidence disappeared, it has been alleged.

Greater Manchester Police statement on its Sir Cyril Smith investigation here.

In another of our articles “Janner: Leicestershire Police refers itself to the IPCC” I wrote:

The Chief Constable of Derbyshire Mick Creedon worked on the investigation into Janner when he was a Detective Sergeant in Leicestershire Police confirmed to The Times that there had been “credible evidence” against Janner. He then went on to state that the investigation was blocked by senior officers. He has been quoted as saying:

‘The decision was a clear one: he [Janner] will be interviewed by appointment and there won’t be a search of his home address or his constituency office, of his office in the House of Commons. It was a decision made by people more senior than me.’

Retired Detective Inspector Kelvyn Ashby, who also worked on the investigation has made similar allegations of senior officer corruption during the Janner investigation.

The CPS admitted that Lord Janner should have been prosecuted in 1991, because the “evidential test was passed”. In other words, there was a realistic prospect of a conviction. Lord Janner should have been charged with 22 sex offences involving nine children and young adults dating from 1969 to about 1988 consisting of 14 indecent assaults on a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988; two indecent assaults between 1984 and 1988; four counts of buggery of a male under 16 between 1972 and 1987; and two counts of buggery between 1977 and 1988.

The role of the Police and the CPS

So despite three previous investigations, the Labour politician and Queen’s Counsel, who served as an MP between 1970 and 1997, was never charged. Hardly surprising given that he was being protected by the Police and CPS, the same as Cyril Smith, Peter Jaconelli, Jimmy Savile, Lord Boothby and Jeremy Thorpe.

Evidence submitted to the Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)

As with the Peter Jaconelli paedophile ring, the allegations against Smith were first raised by what we now call citizen journalists in  articles in the Rochdale Alternative Press. Then in Private Eye articles and the New Statesman. The mainstream media ignored the scandal.

According to press reports in the Guardian and the BBC, evidence was submitted to the IICSA that MI5 was aware that the Director of Public Prosecutions had lied to the Rochdale Alternative Press citizen journalists over the existence of a file on Sir Cyril Smith and its decision not to press charges. But it did not alert anyone to this grave breach of duty. In short, Sir Cyril Smith was protected by the DPP (now the CPS) – and MI5 knew it – as alleged in my articles above.

Extrapolating the IICSA evidence a bit further

Extrapolating the IICSA evidence with further in depth analysis:

  1. The DPP did not prosecute when it should have done. Channel 4 documentary here. Then the DPP lied to the only investigative journalists that were then investigating the case, to close down press comment. An early and successful form of media manipulation in what is now called information warfare operations.
  2. MI5 knew that the DPP had lied about its decision to the press, but did nothing. Although it had a duty to deal with Smith as a security risk.
  3. The Metropolitan Police Special Branch tried to prevent one of Smith’s victims from being investigated  Channel 4 documentary @ 13.00.
  4. Officers from Greater Manchester Police Special Branch raided the offices of the Bury Messenger and seized its evidence against Cyril Smith and threatened investigative journalist Don Hale with arrest and imprisonment, to prevent it running an expose that would certainly have brought Smith to justice – an early and successful form of media suppression in what is now called information warfare operations.
  1. MI5 seized the all the evidence held by Lancashire Police Channel 4 documentary @ 17.00.
  2. Despite the fact that the DPP, MI5 and Special Branch were aware that he was a vicious serial child abuser, his knighthood was approved.

To summarise, I think it is now irrefutable that Cyril Smith was protected by MI5, the police and the DPP/CPS in a co-ordinated and well-organised cover up, as alleged by the NYE in May 2015.

Sir David Steel: “All he seems to have done is spanked a few bare bottoms”.

The NYE will continue to cover the IICSA proceedings.

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