A Letter to the Editor from Derek ROBINSON, of Whitby, who writes as a member of the public who has served for eight years on Scarborough Borough Council and presently represents the West Cliff Ward of Whitby Town (Parish) Council, drawing readers’ attention to a consultation on the future of Whitby Hospital.
Dear Mr Editor,
I write to draw readers’ attention to the following Media Release.
Derek ROBINSON, Whitby. 29th September, 2014.
Have your say about your new Whitby Hospital and community health services
Whitby Hospital is changing to better meet future health needs. Over the past year NHS Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has held a number of public engagement events to obtain local opinion towards the future of the hospital and community services.
Following these events and the feedback given, a number of options have now been created for how the hospital site could be developed (see notes to editors).
A series of events has been arranged throughout October and November to share these options, details of which given below:
- Whitby: 16th October, Sneaton Castle, YO21 3QN. Registration for this event is at 5.30pm for a 6pm start, with information stalls being available from 5.30pm.
- Castleton: 23rd October, 6pm. Bradbury Centre, Langburn Bank, YO21 2ED.
- Staithes: 4th November, 6pm. Staithes Village Hall, Cliff Road, TS13 5AE.
A CCG representative will also be based in Whitby Tourist Information Centre, Langborne Rd, YO21 1YN from Monday 10th to Friday 14th November, 9am-5pm.
These events are open to everyone in the local area to come and find out more about the plans for community services, out of hours services and Whitby Hospital and have their say.
To help us manage numbers, we are asking that if members of the public would like to attend the event, to please call 01609 767600 or email whitbyf4f@nhs.net including their name and contact telephone number. There is no need to book to come and see us in the Whitby Tourist Information Centre – just drop in .
More details can be found on the CCG’s website:
For further information contact the NHS North Yorkshire and Humber Communications Team on 0300 303 8394
Option 1: The Do Nothing/minimum
This was assessed against the other shortlisted options for comparative purposes. However it is not suitable. Current space is underutilised by approximately 60% compared to the requirements of the new service models with limited potential for empty areas, backlog maintenance and inefficient level of operating costs. It does not meet the CCGs current requirements or the needs of the future service models.
Options 2a and b – Remodel and refurbish buildings on current site
Assessment of the space requirements for the specified health needs demonstrates that there will be surplus capacity within the current site boundary for wider redevelopment. The nature of any development would be constrained by local planning and therefore it would not be suitable for retail uses.
Redeveloping the existing hospital site would deliver medium and long term uses for the site in line with the strategic integrated commissioning objectives of health and the local authority. It is also in line with the stated aspirations of third sector and community partners developed through extensive CCG stakeholder discussions for the provision of local services.
As the model of integrated commissioning evolves it will offer a cohesive approach to delivering care closer to home. Maximising the existing use for health purposes or additionally the development of low density housing would offer the most appropriate use of the site and could support a vision for a health and social care campus.
It would provide the opportunity for rationalisation and integration with co-location of properties and facilities with other partners.
Option 2a – Site Plan Showing Hospital with Commercial Site Redevelopment
Preferred Option 2b – Site Plan Showing Hospital Integrated with NYCC Services
The preferred option focuses on delivering health services for the locality in a remodelled hospital that ensures a fit for purpose facility which delivers the best value for money solution for the NHS. This is achieved through appropriate service planning and commissioning which will reduce revenue expenditure, minimising capital investment and maximising capital receipt from surplus land and property.
The preferred option recognises that the Local Authority (NYCC) have a strategic need within the locality to develop a range of community based services (extra care housing, independent living for people with physical and/or learning disabilities). The preferred option shows this as co-located with a site identified which could be owned and developed independently of the NHS task of remodelling health services and the hospital. In initial discussions with NYCC it would seem that there is commitment to develop the site in Partnership which could provide an integrated health and social care “campus”. This vision is illustrated below.