Friday 11th October 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Council Tax: the North/South Divide

April 10, 2012 Letters

A Letter to the Editor from Richard INESON, commenting on the disparity in Council Tax charges between southern and northern local authorities. Readers may wonder why a Band D property in Westminster comes in at £684.52 per annum, compared to £1,580.62 per annum in Whitby for a Band D property (over 230% of the Westminster charge). Perhaps Scarborough Borough Council is providing 230% of the Westmeinster service?


Dear Mr Editor,

I am sure that your readers will be interested to see how they have fared in the annual Council Tax comparisons,2012 -2013, so here are the figures. Band A is the lowest band, Band D is the national average, and Band H is the highest band.


  • Band A – £1023. 63
  • Band D£1535.44
  • Band H£3070. 88


  • Band A£1051. 47
  • Band D£1577.20
  • Band H£3154.40


  • Band A£1053.75
  • Band D£1580.62
  • Band H£3161.24


  • Band A£456. 34
  • Band D£684. 52
  • Band H£1369.04

Kensington and Chelsea

  • Band A£717.15
  • Band H£2151.44
  • Band D£1075. 72

The most expensive house in the UK, sold in 2011, for £140 million, is Park Place, Remenham, Henley on Thames; this is in Band H, in the Wokingham District, and the lucky owner of this property, will pay £2860.23 this year.

I wonder if any of our politicians can explain this disparity to us please?

Anther figure which puzzles me is the fact that in London, the government spends £2,700 per head of the population on transport infrastructure, whilst in the north east of England, it only spends £5.00 (five pounds) per head, does this seem fair? I think that we should be told.

Yours, etc

Puzzled of Whitby

AKA Richard

Richard INESON,Whitby. 10th April, 2012.

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