Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Citizen-Driven Harbours Survey

Citizen-Driven Harbours Survey

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, drawing readers attention to a new Citizen-Driven Harbours Survey on North Yorkshire Council’s management of Scarborough & Whitby Harbours.


Residents of Whitby and Scarborough, quite rightly, take great pride in the maritime heritage of the two ports.

It is widely-known that the Fight4Whitby nine-year legal battle to claw back millions of pounds worth of Harbour revenue originally intended to be ring-fenced for the develpment and maintenance of Whitby Harbour remains ongoing and awaiting the Judge’s decision. This crowd-funded legal action (please consider donating, here) has prevented Scarborough Borough Council’s External Auditors MAZARS from signing-off its Annual Accounts for its final eight years – and North Yorkshire Council (NYC), in its first year of existence, is now similarly embarrassed, unable to return Annual Accounts for 2023/24 in a timely manner for the same reason.

Now, a group of harbour-users has launched a comprehensive Harbours Survey seeking the views of the public on NYC’s astonishing maritime inexperience and ineptitude.

A prime example – the following Freedom of Information request/response sheds damning light on the total inadequacy of NYC’s response to its statutory requirement in respect of dredging the two Harbours:

Before completing the survey, readers may wish to remind themselves of some of the well-documented facts driving this new initiative:
Please spare a few minutes of your busy lives to respond to this vital Citizen-Driven Harbours Survey here:


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