Friday 19th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

COCKERILL – The Yes-Man Who Always Says “No!”

COCKERILL – The Yes-Man Who Always Says “No!” – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the astonishing rudeness, arrogance and obvious unfitness for public service of the SBC Portfolio Holder for Disastrous Public Relations, Councillor Mike [...]

January 31, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

£4k/hour Councillor’s Non-Declaration of Interests?

My Open Letter to SBC Portfolio Holder for Legal & Governance, Councillor John NOCK [Con.], seeking answers to serious questions regarding the acts and/or omissions of Standards Committee Chair, Councillor Heather PHILLIPS [Con.], following revelations made public in my article [...]

January 29, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

“Gold Standards”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the one hundred and twenty-seventh in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and [...]

January 25, 2018 Photoons, Scarborough Borough Council

BWQ: BacTrack Yorkshire Water Report Fingers McCAIN

BWQ: BacTrack Yorkshire Water Report Fingers McCAIN an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, introducing readers to the conclusions of the BacTrac bathing water report to Yorkshire Water. ~~~~~ Readers who have followed with interest the Enquirer’s coverage of [...]

January 24, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

“The Shortest of Straws”

A Letter to the Editor from Ali WILKINS of Scarborough, expressing an interesting perspective on SBC’s masterful lending of £9M to Benchmark – against the gilt-edged security of land it already owns. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Recently on Tripadvisor Alpamare Scarborough [...]

January 19, 2018 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Peter Jaconelli and Jimmy Savile: Latest Developments

Peter Jaconelli and Jimmy Savile: Latest Developments Introduction The Peter Jaconelli and Jimmy Savile scandal continues to rumble on. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) Report into Surrey Police’s handling of an investigation in 2007 to 2009, into sexual offences [...]

January 17, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

YCH: The Further Misadventures of ‘Maureen’

YCH: The Further Misadventures of ‘Maureen’ an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, following up on the appalling treatment of a vulnerable single mother by staff at Yorkshire Coast Homes (YCH). ~~~~~ Background On Sunday 29th October 2017, I [...]

January 15, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Cllr Paid £1.3K to Chair ONE Meeting

SBC Cllr Paid £1.3K to Chair ONE Meeting an Open Letter from NIGEL WARD to Councillor Heather PHILLIPS [Con.], requesting an explanation for a number of aspects of her rôle within the Standards regime at Scarborough Borough Council. Sent also [...]

January 13, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: Silence is Golden, Dave

SBC: Silence is Golden, Dave an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing with the public an unanswered question – “Is the tale wagging the dog”. David KITSON’s silence on the subject indicates an affirmative answer. ~~~~~ On 15th [...]

January 12, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

Futurist: Wilmott Dixon #1 Newsletter

Futurist: Wilmott Dixon #1 Newsletter Readers may be interested to have belated sight of  the following. Wilmott Dixon, the contractor carrying out the demolition of The Futurist Theatre and re-stabilization of the site, has released its Newsletter #1 to local [...]

January 11, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council