Wednesday 17th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Category

Broken Promises #4 – Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff

Broken Promises #4 – Cllr Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff “Broken Promises” is a series of articles looking at the promises of councillors who were elected to Scarborough Borough Council in May 2019 and their actions as your Borough Council representatives since. Belatedly, [...]

January 18, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Harbour Master Vanishes

Harbour Master Vanishes North Yorks Enquirer resident Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on a curiously quiet departure. ~~~~~ In the absence of any communication between the Scarborough Harbour Executive and the stakeholders/harbour users since 2019, perhaps it would be appropriate [...]

January 17, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Another Indy Resignation

Another Indy Resignation an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the latest changes at Scarborough Borough Council, plus a fresh analysis of the numbers game. ~~~~~ Following the recent resignations from the Independent Group, by first [...]

January 12, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council


LISA DIXON – RESIGN TODAY! (1) an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, drawing a number of salient inferences from information forming part of the public record. A long article of surgical exactitude, featuring the facts behind the opinion. [...]

January 12, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Argos Project Torpedoed

Steve Siddons, Scarborough Borough Council’s (SBC) socialist supremo’s dreams of creating a building to house the party faithful and brainwash vulnerable students appear to have been dealt a fatal blow. The madcap scheme to spend £22 million of taxpayer’s money [...]

January 10, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Where’s The Money?

On the 28th November 2020, I questioned why £130,000 made it way from the account of Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) to KPMG when it was agreed that only £25,000 would be paid to KPMG in relation to work undertaken for [...]

January 8, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS: Objections Blitzkrieg

ARGOS: Objections Blitzkrieg an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the burgeoning tsunami of Objections to the ARGOS Planning Application – 20/02167/FL. ~~~~~ Not withstanding the floundering remarks made by SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] [...]

January 6, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Open Letter to MIKE GREENE

Open Letter to MIKE GREENE by NIGEL WARD ~~~~~ Mr Mike GREENE – CEO and Head of Paid Service – Scarborough Borough Council IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Mike, Good day to you. I deduce from your apparent refusal, in response [...]

January 5, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Resignations, Coercion & Censure

Resignations, Coercion & Censure an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD (originally intended for publication on Christmas Eve, hence no mention of the rejection of the Future High Streets Fund bid or the Leader’s extension of the BBL agreement), [...]

January 4, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Payment Holiday For Me…

With fresh Tier 3 restrictions placed on North Yorkshire, those who are self-employed as well as local tourism and hospitality businesses are screaming for help. Those that haven’t closed down or gone under are in severe financial difficulties and need [...]

December 30, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council