The ‘New’ ARGOS Paradox
- an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, revisiting SIDDONS’ Folly – as featured in Alderman Norman MURPHY’s article of 30th April 2021, “Sherlock’s Eye on ARGOS”.
Readers may have assumed – after my lengthy period of silence on the subject – that the universally discredited ARGOS ‘regeneration‘ project had finally slunk away with its tail between its legs.
Not so.
Although (at the time of writing) there is no new Planning Application in respect of the former ARGOS site, I can confirm that a reliable inside source has provided the artist’s impression featured at the top of this page, showing a dramatically revamped version of what has become known as “SIDDONS’ FOLLY”. Of note is the narrow space between the right-hand (easterly) end of the proposed structure – St Helen’s Square.
This evidence of a fresh Planning Application coincides with the forthcoming publication of “Scarborough Blueprint 2021 – A Vision of Ambition & Investment for ‘Our Town by the Sea’“, which readers may digest at their leisure, here:
Those with no stomach for fairy tales need look no further than the following excerpt, with emphasis on this particular statement, which stands in diametric conflict with the artist’s impression:
“St Helen’s Square will be enlarged to provide an outdoor space for markets, exhibitions and performances to spill out onto, and create a more attractive space in front of the market hall.”
Paradoxically, the artist’s impression (above) shows a somewhat diminished St Helen’s Square – not “enlarged”, as stated in the ‘Vision’. What it does not show is a solution to the burgeoning parking crisis – or any other of the many grounds for objection.
Perhaps it could be more truthfully averred that SIDDONS’ real folly is to imagine that anyone will place the slightest credence in this consultant-speak bluster.