Thursday 14th November 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer



Your Vote

In order to vote in a Local Government, European or Parliamentary election or in a local or national referendum you must be registered on the Electoral Roll (Register of Electors).

The way we all register to vote has changed. The registration system changed in June 2014. The new system is called ‘Individual Electoral Registration’.

You’ll need your National Insurance number to hand if you wish to complete the registration process smoothly. If you don’t have your National Insurance number handy, the government may contact you to confirm your identity.

Register Online

The online registration process takes around five minutes to complete. Register to vote at the following address:

Register By Post

Download the appropriate voter registration form at

If you live in the Borough of Scarborough, send your completed form to:

Electoral Services
Scarborough Borough Council
Town Hall
St Nicholas Street
North Yorkshire
YO11 2HG

If you are unable to print a voter registration form, you can call Scarborough Borough Council’s Customer First on 01723-232323 and they will send you a voter registration form in the post.

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