Saturday, February 8, 2025

Top 10 SBC Leeches 2016/17

Figures have been published which detail the allowances and expenses claimed by Councillors at Scarborough Borough Council. The total claimed for 2016/17 is £269,395.61.

The total basic allowance paid to the 50 SBC councillors is £200,064.00. In addition to that £55,825.20 was paid to Cabinet members and Committee Chairman. A further £12,498.80 was claimed in travel expenses along with £1,007.61 paid out for subsistence.

It will come as no surprise that the top ten recipients of your council tax are all either Conservatives or faux Independents who take the Tory shilling and do their bidding.

With initial Water Park visitor figures well below the 500,000 visitors initially trumpeted by SBC, the revamped Market Hall half empty with its all singing, all dancing £210,000 E-Commerce website missing in action and the Open Air Theatre yet to make a return on the £5,000,000 spent on it, its a shame we can’t get Councillors on performance related pay because they’d be paying us.

Source: SBC.

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