A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF of Whitby, a retired teacher who values the work of investigative-journalists in general – and the North Yorks Enquirer team in particular. Thank you, Hether.
Dear Editor,
In the current climate of widespread disillusionment with local and mainstream politics and media sensationalism, I am glad that we have the opportunity to access high quality, investigative journalism at a local level. I refer to the North Yorks Enquirer and the way in which it continues to expose the malaise in public life. Such frank and insightful journalism is a breath of fresh air in a corporate controlled media world. A free, opinionated and truly investigative media really is the bedrock of society. Without the intervention of the media in the democratic process, we undermine the very democracy that has been fought for in both the past and present.
The North Yorks Enquirer’s recent efforts to hold our own particular “rotten borough” (a Private Eye description of Scarborough Borough Council!) to account have made very interesting reading. I take my hat off to the journalists for pursuing, no doubt at great personal expense, and continuing to pursue issues that benefit from being in the public domain. The following coverage, for example, made salutary reading:
- The Peter Jaconelli investigation
- The Futurist Theatre saga
- The Ben Marriott corruption scandal
- The treatment by the Council of Cllr Donohue-Moncrieff
Left to our traditional local newspapers, we the public, would be almost completely in the dark about some of the most disturbing Council actions of recent times. The NYE continues to provide depth and detail, meticulously researched and lucidly presented. I, for one, am grateful to be able to read in depth articles that draw attention to subject matter that might otherwise be conveniently buried!
Without critical friendship and incisive analysis from the media, our hard won rights are quickly eroded. Long may the North Yorks Enquirer continue to thrive! We need you!
Heather Relf
Heather RELF, Whitby. 11th November, 2016.