SBC Cabinet: West Pier Stand-Off – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering a considered opinion on the outrageous behaviour of SBC Leader, Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.], in his capacity as Chair of the Cabinet Meeting held on [...]
S’borough Town Deal Board: Credibility Sullied – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, disclosing an explosive ‘thread’ of email correspondence between interested parties, on the subject of the proposal to ‘regenerate’ Scarborough West Pier as part of a [...]
Following Letters from John Senior MBE TD and Mr Peter Lee, once again, the North Yorks Enquirer has been made privy, in the public interest, to correspondence addressed to Scarborough & Whitby MP, Sir Robert Goodwill (Conservative), and other ‘powerful’ [...]
Letters from the (Sea) Front Resistance to Scarborough Borough Council’s fiercely opposed proposal to access £5 million of Town Deal Fund cash and throw a further £6.4 million of Council reserves to ‘regenerate’ the Scarborough West Pier, in disregard of [...]
SENIOR: Open Letter to GOODWILL – West Pier Funding challenged Scarborough notable and pillar of the South Bay business community, Mr John SENIOR MBE TD, has published an Open Letter to Sir Robert GOODWILL MP [Con.] (Scarborough & Whitby), on [...]
ARGOS: Objections Blitzkrieg an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the burgeoning tsunami of Objections to the ARGOS Planning Application – 20/02167/FL. ~~~~~ Not withstanding the floundering remarks made by SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] [...]
JOHN SENIOR MBE TD DR(Hc) sends the following PRESS RELEASE . . . Helping to Hold the Line Local South Bay Trader John Wallis is a coordinating the production of emergency PPE face masks from his seafront business and deliveries [...]
Bonfire of the Vanities an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD up-dating readers on a number of salient developments in the top story. ~~~~~ Following SBC’s decision to commission a fully independent and impartial investigation into its own role [...]
FREEZE the BID? Wheels in MOTION an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a significant development in the Yorkshire Coast DBID saga – a Motion to Full Council to set a moratorium on the collection and enforcement [...]
Anti-DBID Meeting in Whitby A number of Whitby business proprietors, under the banner “Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers Association”, have organised a meeting to discuss opposition to the Yorkshire Coast Business DBID, which seeks to impose a compulsory Levy on businesses [...]