Queen’s Police Medal for Scarborough Detective by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction I read with disbelief the articles below concerning the award of the Queen’s Police Medal (QPM) to Detective Sergeant (DS) Angelina (Angie) Carey (Retired): Scarborough News article here Yorkshire [...]
Cllr. PLANT Does a Swift U-Turn an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the “sexist bullying” scandal over the callous treatment of a temporarily suicidal Councillor. ~~~~~ Background Please refer to my article “SBC: ‘Sexist Bullying’ [...]
JACONELLI: No Word From BASTIMAN an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, up-dating readers on events surrounding the SAVILE/JACONELLI cover-up in Scarborough. ~~~~~ Throughout the two-and-a-half years of first Real Whitby (RW) then the North Yorks Enquirer (NYE) pursuing [...]
A Letter to the Editor from Mike BECKETT, LibDem PPC for Scarborough & Whitby, who has requested the publication of his Open Letter to Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN, re-iterating his earlier requests to former leader, Councillor Tom [...]
JACONELLI: An Open Letter to SBC Leader Derek BASTIMAN an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, following a successful appeal to NYCC Leader County Councillor Carl LES, addressing the same request for an apology to the victims of Peter [...]
SBC: House of Secrets – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on some first tentative signs of Scarborough Borough Council advancing into the 21st Century. Maybe. ~~~~~ North Yorkshire Enquirer readers in the Scarborough area have been [...]
SBC: FOX – ‘Mayor Elect’ Vote Unconstitutional an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining the Scarborough Borough Council resolution to confirm incumbent Leader, Councillor Tom FOX, as Mayor Elect for the Council year 2015/16. ~~~~~ The Council’s decision [...]
SAVILE/JACONELLI Investigation – Cllr Tom Fox Our Biggest Fan! an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on SBC’s latest attempt to stifle criticism and to protect Councillors and Officers from investigation. ~ Homing In On The Savile/Jaconelli Cover-Up [...]
More Sex Crime Allegations at Scarborough Council – Hard on the heels of the furore over the revocation of civic honours of Freeman of the Borough Sir James SAVILE OBE (last year) and Alderman/Mayor Peter JACONELLI (earlier this month), this [...]
Resign, Tom FOX! Spare Scarborough Council Further Disrepute an ‘In My View’ article by NIGEL WARD, outlining the case for the immediate resignation of Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Councillor Tom FOX – formerly Chief Inspector Tom FOX of the (Scarborough) [...]