A Letter to the Editor from Keith JEFFERY of Whitby, commenting on remarks attributed to Scarborough Borough Councillor John NOCK [Con] (West Cliff) in the Whitby Gazette coverage of the SBC Standards Hearing into a Formal Complaint by Councillors Jonathan DODDS [Ukip] and Rob BARNETT [Lab.], on grounds of Councillor John NOCK’s crude exculpatory remarks concerning predatory paedophile Peter JACONELLI in the Members’ Room at the Town Hall.
Mr JEFFERY was perhaps unaware of the detailed coverage on the Enquirer:
N.B. – The Standards Committee concluded that because the victims of Peter JACONELLI were in the 11-14 age-range (i.e. the same age as Eskdale School pupils) – rather in than in the 5-10 age-range ‘favoured’ by JACONELLI’s co-offender Jimmy SAVILE, this made the former a “hebephile” (rather than a paedophile, as the latter) and thus there was nothing particularly reprehensible about NOCK stating:
“He [JACONELLI] was not a predatory paedophile. He was not like Jimmy Savile. He was only handing out money to poor kids for giving him a wank”.
Quite what the Standards Committee intended by labelling Peter JACONELLI only (!) a “hebephile” has still to be explained.
In the Gazette coverage, Councillor John NOCK’s reaction was reported thus:
“Cllr Nock also claimed that the ones making the complaint were, in fact, the ones bringing the council into disrepute.”
It will be interesting to see whether or not Councillor John NOCK seeks election in the Northy Yorkshire County Council elections in May 2017. Given NYCC Leader County Councillor Carl LES’s sincere apology to the victims/survivors of of JACONELLI, it is difficult to imagine that NOCK would be warmly welcomed by the NYCC Conservatives.
Dear Mr Editor,
I was gratified to see that the Gazette did not shy away from reporting an issue that I am sure SBC would have rather remained buried. I refer to the article regarding the outcome of the Standards Committee concerning Cllr Nock’s comments. (Gazette 4.3.16)
Bearing in mind the appalling revelations regarding child abuse that are reported regularly in the media, our elected representatives should be vigilant about the impact of comments made that show any lack of sensitivity, sympathy or concern.
It was with regret that your article reported Cllr Nock’s view that those bringing the allegations brought the Council into disrepute.What an extraordinary comment from the man found to be in breach of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct!
Our elected representatives need to take responsibility for their own comments and not try to apportion blame elsewhere. Good on those who have the courage to stand up and be counted.
Keith Jeffery
Keith JEFFERY, Whitby. 24th March, 2016.