Dear Messers Dillon, Edwards, Watson and Mrs Dixon,
In the wake of the Marriott scandal, which highlighted Scarborough Borough Council’s unwillingness to investigate alleged corruption within the council, which Judge Humphrey Forrest called a “Whitewash“, a number of you were sent open letters asking that you disclose or update your registers of interest.
The open letters also asked for information regarding work performed on your properties by council contractors. You appear to have ignored these polite requests for transparency in your roles as senior officers of the council.
I am pleased to see that the SBC website now shows a link to your Registers of Interest.
However, having viewed the information you’ve supplied, you’ve left out the most pertinent information.
Section 5: “Land or property owned, leased or rented by the council, in which you, your spouse, partner, parent, child or nominee have an interest.”
It is known that a number of you own more than one property, which disqualifies you from not disclosing those properties as they’re not your home address.
I would like to draw your attention to the declaration you signed at the foot of your Register of Interests:
Please could you complete your Registers of Interest fully and upload them to the SBC website.
Should it become necessary to file a complaint against you regarding your infractions of the Council’s Employee Code of Conduct, a complaint will be made in full public view on the North Yorks Enquirer.
Yours faithfully,
Tim Thorne
North Yorks Enquirer