“The Judgment”

A Letter to the Editor from Rob BARNETT (who has served as a Labour Borough Councillor in the Streonshalh ward of Scarborough Borough Council since May 2015), writing to request the publication of Judge Humphrey FORREST’s Judgment in the Ben Marriott -v- Scarborough Borough Council constructive dismissal hearing, in the public interest.

The Enquirer has been covering this case (or one very like it!) for three years now, and is happy to oblige.


Dear Editor,

I write to request publication on your web-site of Employment Judge Forrest’s judgement in the case of Mr Ben Marriott’s successful constructive dismissal claim against Scarborough Borough Council. Now that the matter is in the public domain, I believe the public interest is best served by publishing the judgement so that members of the public can form their own opinions regarding the conduct of the Council and its officers.
As a long standing campaigner for the proper implementation and respect for employment rights, I am firmly of the belief that public bodies should be beyond reproach in their treatment of workers, respect for the law and well enshrined codes of conduct in these matters.


Rob Barnett

Rob BARNETT, Whitby. 21st September 2016.

Download the PDF file BM_JUDGMENT.


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