Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY (pictured above) has published his views on the ongoing litany of procrastination and apparent incompetence behind a stalled Planning Application which commenced with Hambleton District Council (HDC) and has now transferred to North Yorkshire Council (NYC). [...]
NYC Corporate Structure – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing details of the proposed Paid Service Corporate structure of North Yorkshire Council, our new unitary authority (from 1st April 2023). ~~~~~ For reference, readers may wish to [...]
SBC: Slithering Sideways an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, examining a false Witness Statement and an apparently wrongful conviction. Just when you think they can sink no lower . . . they line up a scapegoat. ~~~~~ There [...]
MARRIOTT: That MAZARS Review an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reaching the parts other investigations have not exposed. ~~~~~ The long-anticipated 31st May 2017 MAZARS Review (NOT Investigation) of Scarborough Borough Council’s own internal investigation of whistleblowing allegations [...]
SBC: Cabinet Performance Ratings In response to a request from a number of Scarborough Borough Councillors, the North Yorks Enquirer has agreed to publish the following Open Letter to the Leader of Scarborough Borough Councillor and his seven Portfolio Holders [...]
Dear Messers Dillon, Edwards, Watson and Mrs Dixon, In the wake of the Marriott scandal, which highlighted Scarborough Borough Council’s unwillingness to investigate alleged corruption within the council, which Judge Humphrey Forrest called a “Whitewash“, a number of you were [...]
SBC: The Leader, The Cabinet & The Futurist an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering an overview of the SBC Cabinet – a tale with a sting in it’s tail. ~~~~~ Throughout the year of 2016, there have [...]