Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Open Letter to Lisa Dixon

Dear Mrs Dixon,

In the wake of the Marriott scandal, which highlighted Scarborough Borough Council’s unwillingness to investigate alleged corruption within the council, which Judge Humphrey Forrest called a “Whitewash” and the reluctance of Derek Bastiman, Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, to hold an independent external inquiry of that alleged corruption, serious questions have been raised about the competence of the council.

In 2013 you sought planning permission to extend two properties on Hillcrest Avenue in Scarborough on planning references in 13/00266/FL & 13/00267/FL.

As the Monitoring and Senior Legal Officer at Scarborough Borough Council, you above all others must be seen to be above reproach, transparent and fair. In the spirit of transparency and bearing in mind that you have a substantial property portfolio, please could you provide the following information:

  1. A full Register of Interests for yourself to be made available on the Council’s website.
  2. Which companies did you approach for a quote for the work so you could assure yourself the price was at market rates? Please provide quotations.
  3. Which, if any, council colleagues directed you towards those companies?
  4. Which companies completed the work on those properties?
  5. At that point were you aware that the companies concerned were council contractors?
  6. At that point were you aware that as a council officer you were forbidden to use council contractors?
  7. With regard to 13/00266/FL & 13/00267/FL, please describe the work undertaken.
  8. With regard to 13/00266/FL & 13/00267/FL, when was the work completed?
  9. How much were you charged for the work? Please provide invoices and proof of payment.
  10. Have you ever used any council contractors for work on any of your other properties?

If you could also encourage your fellow senior officers to fully complete a Register of Interests and make it available to the public, I believe it would go some way to restoring some trust in the council.

Yours faithfully,
Tim Thorne
North Yorks Enquirer

Download the PDF file 13/00266/FL and 13/00267/FL.

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