Friday, February 14, 2025

NYC Corporate Structure

NYC Corporate Structure

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing details of the proposed Paid Service Corporate structure of North Yorkshire Council, our new unitary authority (from 1st April 2023).


For reference, readers may wish to study (see below) and/or download the following document which outlines the chain of command at North Yorkshire Council.

Under the TUPE agreement, several Officers of the outgoing Scarborough Borough Council are assured of employment at the new authority for a minimum of two years.

Chief Executive Officers of the seven soon-to-be-abolished (31st March 2023) District/Borough Councils are excluded from the deal, so Scarborough’s present CEO Mr Nick EDWARDS’ name does not appear on the document.

However, some familiar names do appear, as follows:

  • Mrs Lisa DIXON (SBC’s current Monitoring Officer and Director of Legal & Governance [Statutory position]) will be in charge of the legal aspects of the forthcoming devolution deal creating a Combined Authority (with City of York Council), to be led by an elected Mayor.
  • Ms Kerry METCALFE (SBC’s current s.151 Finance Director [Statutory position]- having replaced Mr EDWARDS when he stepped up to CEO and Head of Paid Service) will be in charge of Property, Procurement and Commercial.
  • Mr Trevor WATSON (a solicitor currently in the SBC Legal department) will become a Director of Planning.
  • Mr Andrew ROWE will continue to oversee Housing.
  • Mr Paul THOMPSON (currently Interim Director of Neighbourhoods & Climate Change at SBC) will take on Integrated Passenger Transport, Licensing, Public Rights of Way & Harbours.
  • Ms Jo IRELAND (currently Head of Marketing  & Communiations at SBC) will have a new role on Culture, Art & Leisure.
  • Ms Elaine BLADES will continue in a Human Resources role in the Community Development department.


Conspicuous by their absence are the following:

  • Mr Richard BRADLEY (the ‘Brighton Binman’), whose many failures have been well-documented on the Enquirer, is not included.

. . . and (though these were alway ‘Interim’):

  • Mr Marc COLE, parachuted into SBC to drive through several of the SIDDONS administration’s unpopular pipe-dreams (eg. ARGOS, HQ Hotels, the West Pier ‘regeneration’, etc) is also out of the equation, having failed to deliver.
  • Ms Helen JACKSON, SBC’s Regeneration Projects Manager for the West Pier, is also heading further afield.

Download the PDF file SBC_Officer_Refugees-to_NYC.

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