NYC Corporate Structure – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing details of the proposed Paid Service Corporate structure of North Yorkshire Council, our new unitary authority (from 1st April 2023). ~~~~~ For reference, readers may wish to [...]
“Time for Truth” An Open Letter to the Mayor of Scarborough, Councillor Eric BROADBENT [Lab.] from NIGEL WARD. An appeal on behalf of the many – not the few. A shot at redemption, no less. ~~~~~ Councillor Eric BROADBENT – [...]
SBC Accounts Objections Multiplying – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the tottering status of Scarborough Borough Council’s seven years of crangled Accounts. ~~~~~ The Audit Committee of Scarborough Borough Council is scheduled to meet [...]
YCBID: The VAT Problem EXPOSED – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering a lay view of “the VAT problem” presently besetting Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd and the two local authorities who have the misfortune to have become [...]