Futurist: Asbestos Rumours Denied
Following recent rumours, widely circulated on social media, to the effect that Scarborough Borough Council had engaged a specialist asbestos removal contractor to begin assessment and removal of hazardous matrrials from The Futurist Theatre, and that work had been carried out in a slipshod and dangerous manner, the North Yorks Enquirer is now able to publish the following definitive statement form Rilmac Insulation & Asbestos Services:
“Following the concerns raised by the North Yorks Enquirer Rilmac Insulation & Asbestos Services are happy to confirm that they were not on site at the Futurist Theatre Scarborough for the removal or management of asbestos. We were contracted to complete what is known as a needle sweep looking for needles and other drugs paraphernalia. These sweeps also identify faeces from vermin and other issues which may cause a hazard for operatives from other companies. On this occasion no needles were found and, after complete removal of the animal faeces, we left site. At no point did we disturb or damage any asbestos at the venue.”
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Supporters of the Save the Futurist movement will no doubt be greatly relieved to learn this information.
Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator Mr Peter BATCHELOR has kindly made himself available to respond to future enquiries, for which we are most grateful. Thank you, Peter!