Sunday, February 16, 2025

“Dear Janet – Why, Why, Why?”

“Dear Janet – Why, Why, Why?”

Alderman NORMAN MURPHY takes Castle Ward Councillor and Cabinet stalwart Janet Jefferson to task . . .  echoing her “Why, why, why?”.


As some of you will no doubt have noticed the lying and deceitful behaviour of the current Labour leader of Sleezborough Council, Steve “It’s a Dog’s Breakfast” Siddons, over his involvement in the non-redevelopment of the Futurist site, which quite rightly continues to shock and anger residents, has been marked by the deafening silence emanating from the Ivory Tower.

Siddons himself has hardly said a word on the subject and the only feeble attempt at defending the regimes disgraceful behaviour has come from one of his acolytes, poor old sacrificial lamb Liz Colling, his Falsgrave and Stepney Ward Councillor, who Siddons wheels out when he is desperate.

Apart from human shield Liz, all the rest of the cronies have, as I have been reliably informed, been told to keep their gobs shut.

So I was rather taken aback when recently I read  comments, published in the Scarborough News, from big Council chief Janet “Lazy Bones Jefferson, our somewhat shy of late Councillor from Castle Ward, when she offered her thoughts on the recent scandals.

The normally all-knowing, all-seeing Councillor Jefferson was asked what she made of the decision made by Flamingo Land to pull out of the non-existent negotiations Siddons claimed he was having with the Managing Director of Flamingo Land, Gordon Gibb.

Naturally, as there have been no negotiations, and Siddons was in fact called out by Flamingo Land’s Gordon Gibb for a liar, Jefferson could not, or would not, make any comment on this subject.

She was, however, prepared to pontificate on the demolition of the Futurist and presumably, in a desperate attempt to deflect criticism away from her lying master Siddons, moved the conversation over to “WHY” the Futurist was demolished.

“I still think it is upsetting (Jefferson wailed) that we lost the Futurist, and for what? I’m sad that the theatre hasn’t remained and I think a lot of people would say the same. It brought sadness to a lot of visitors who came, watching it being demolished. Now, looking back, well, you think, why?”

All very poignant stuff, I think we can all agree. And of course, as she voted to save the Futurist, moaning about its loss is bound to play well with the electorate, which of course, with the UNITARY Council elections only a few months away, is no doubt why she brought the subject up.

However, our Janet’s credibility, as many Castle Ward residents keep telling me, is shot to pieces over her ludicrous support for the ARGOS scam.

Plus, of course, now we have her equally ludicrous support for Siddons £6.5 million Harbours regeneration scam. The Harbours scam, if Siddons gets away with it, will see, many believe, the virtual end to fishing in any meaningful way in Scarborough.

Morever, our Janet, as per usual, is backing her master Siddons over her OLD TOWN residents.

Taken together my guess is come May, when she asks the OLD TOWN residents she has just betrayed for their votes, they might just tell her where to go.

Possibly TUSCANY?  Which, when you are as desperate as Jefferson is to get herself re-elected, not a very sound election platform.

Indeed, it is my guess that her obviously pathetic attempt to distance herself from this disgraceful Siddons administration, by bring into play the Futurist redevelopment, will not wash with Castle Ward electors.

Many, probably most, OLD TOWN residents are asking the question “WHY” when you have now been in power for nearly three years, you have done absolutely nothing to redevelop the Futurist site.

In fact, for the best part of three years Siddons, and our OLD TOWN champion, Janet-lazy bones- Jefferson, have sat on their fat arses and done nothing for any part of the Borough.

And sticking (like ‘Gluey’ Norton) to JJ’s theme of “WHY”, we might fairly ask “WHY” has she done absolutely nothing to have the Futurist site developed.

Indeed, every major issue Siddons and Jefferson promised to fix, way back in May 2019 – Mr Marvels, Kinderland, Atlantis Pool and of course the Futurist site (and I could go on) – remains deserted and stands more or less derelict.

So the question which might well be asked is “WHY” Janet, have you, and the cowardly Lion Siddons, done nothing to have these sites developed?

Your inaction over these development opportunities is, in fact, Janet, as many OLD TOWN residents keep telling me, a disgrace, and the only “WHY” that people keep asking me is, “WHY” are you and that lying useless twerp Siddons still in power?

Answers please in a big fat brown envelope addressed to the Clown Hall Scarborough or, perhaps, in the very near future, the Villa, TUSCANY???!!!

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