Saturday, February 15, 2025

Double Standards: An Open Letter to SBC Monitoring Officer Lisa Dixon

Double Standards:  An Open Letter to SBC Monitoring Officer Lisa Dixon

  • Crime and Parliamentary Affairs correspondent Tim HICKS has now been forced to publish an Open Letter to Scarborough Borough Council Director of Legal & Democratic Services & Monitoring Officer Lisa Dixon, concerning her extraordinary situation.


On the one hand, Mrs Dixon is threatening to sue the North Yorks 3 (Tim Hicks, Tim Thorne and Nigel Ward), for publishing articles she alleges are defamatory, but is unable to specify even one example of any inaccuracy – whilst on the other hand, she is refusing to execute her duty to initiate an investigation into the Belvedere Computers Inc fraud perpetrated by her boss, Scarborough Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Finance, Procurement & Legal Services, Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller.

The Letter

From: Timothy Hicks

Sent: 07 January 2015 13:46

To: ‘Lisa Dixon’ (

Subject: RE: Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller, CFO of Belvedere Computers Inc and Portfolio Holder for Finance Procurement and Legal.

Dear Mrs Dixon,


Further to my e mail below, I am writing to congratulate yourself and the rest of the Scarborough Borough Council Finance and Legal Department on your award of the Private Eye “Rotten Boroughs” Dirty Tricks Award of 2014.

EPSON scanner Image

Although you are not named in the award, it relates to the actions of your Department, for which you are responsible.

This is now the fourth time you and/or the Department you lead have been named in national press criticism by Private Eve for corruption, which I believe is a record for any Council Monitoring Officer, or indeed for any solicitor.

Full list of appearances in Private Eye here.

Your Department has also been criticised on other occasions in the local and national press over the Belvedere Computers Inc international Tax Fraud in the United States Government, perpetrated by the Chief Financial Officer of Belvedere Computers Inc, Council Portfolio Holder for Finance Procurement and Legal, (and therefore your boss) Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller.  Full story here.

I feel very sorry for your colleagues in the Finance and Legal Departments, who I have no doubt work hard and conscientiously on behalf of the citizens of Scarborough that the organisation they work for has become a national laughing stock, as a result of the conduct of yourself and Councillor Kenyon-Miller. 

An honourable person would have conducted his or her duties impartially, or resigned.

In this context, I am again writing to you in your capacity as Council Monitoring Officer to confirm that I have had no response to my e mails of the 6th and 20th of June, 2nd of July, 11th of August, 8th of November and 28th of December 2014, requesting that you initiate a standards investigation into Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller’s failure to register her interest as CFO of Belvedere Computers Inc. A criminal offence within the meaning of the Localism Act 2011.

I have therefore concluded that you are protecting Councillor Kenyon-Miller from investigation and possible arrest because she is a senior Councillor with responsibility for the Legal Department and therefore your boss. Which is a corrupt act and an abuse of your position as a solicitor and monitoring officer. It appears you are protecting her in the same way that the rapist and child abuser Peter Jaconelli was.


I would therefore repeat my request that you initiate a standards investigation into Councillor Kenyon-Miller, in accordance with your duty as a Solicitor and Monitoring Officer. I would also request that you withdraw the threat to sue myself, Tim Thorne and Nigel Ward, over our coverage of these issues.

On a personal note, I regret having to resort to publishing an open letter, but this has been forced on me by your discourtesy in refusing to respond to correspondence, which I consider to be unprofessional and a breach of your duty.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Hicks


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