Friday, February 7, 2025

Vote For The Jaconelli/Kenyon/Fox Ticket

Vote For The Jaconelli/Kenyon/Fox Ticket

  • Crime and Parliamentary Affairs correspondent TIM HICKS comments in the latest astonishing twist in the Peter Jaconelli, Jimmy Savile and Jane Kenyon-Miller scandals.


Followers of the Scarborough News will have been astounded to read that Councillor Tom Fox [Con.] is now the Mayor Designate.

Leaving aside the issues of the alleged unconstitutional method of appointment,  his elevation comes despite the fact that Councillor Fox has a number of major scandals potentially hanging over him: the Peter Jaconelli and Jimmy Savile paedophile-ring, the Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller and NYE 3 scandals.

The Peter Jaconelli and Jimmy Savile Scandals

Briefly Mayor Councillor Peter Jaconelli [Con.] was a child-abuser and rapist who ran a paedophile vice-ring in Scarborough from the 1950’s onwards, which included Jimmy Savile. North Yorkshire Police Operation Hibiscus has confirmed this

It has been further alleged that North Yorkshire Police knew all about the ring and protected its members. A number of Police Officers are currently under investigation by the Police for failing to arrest Jaconelli and Savile.

The activities of the ring were wide-ranging and grave. There have been allegations of rape, sexual abuse, enticing children from the schools (where Jaconelli was governor) into prostitution, trafficking of children for prostitution and that Jaconelli and Savile abused together openly with the full knowledge of North Yorkshire Police. The Police are alleged to have ignored complaints about Jaconelli, and to have threatened and assaulted witnesses to protect the ring. It has been alleged that Police Officers accepted bribes to protect Jaconelli and also paid off witnesses on his behalf.

Last Year North Yorkshire Police searched a Savile location for a body. The North Yorks Enquirer has passed on information to North Yorkshire Police concerning the location of a body and it has not responded to it. We have identified one Police Officer who had a conviction for paedophilism after he left the Force, but North Yorkshire Police will not say if he served in Scarborough.

Excellent Scarborough News article here.  Other media comment here, here and here.

Mayor Designate Fox was formerly the Chief Inspector commanding policing in Scarborough and other than for a short secondment, served his Police career there and in Whitby, where incidentally, Savile and Jaconelli would cruise in Savile’s pink Rolls Royce, to pick up youths of both sexes from the burger bar in full view of the Police Station, to take them away, abuse them and pay them off.


Although Councillor Fox has issued a forthright denial that he knew anything about Jimmy Savile’s offending, he has maintained his silence on Peter Jaconelli – despite widespread comment that the Police knew all about Jaconelli while Councillor Fox was serving in Scarborough.

The Jane Kenyon-Miller Scandal

Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller [Con.] is the Councillor with responsibility for Finance, Procurement & Legal for Scarborough. She is also the CFO of a bankrupt company in the United States that is part of an on-going tax fraud on the United States government. She does not declare this in her Register of Interests – a criminal offence within the meaning of the Localism Act 2011.  Full story here


When a journalist from the North Yorks Enquirer revealed this in Private Eye, North Yorkshire Police threatened to arrest him – exactly the same tactics North Yorkshire Police used to protect Jaconelli.

As Leader and Mayor Designate, Councillor Fox [Con.] has a duty to uphold the Constitution of the Council.

Yet he is ignoring correspondence on Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller [Con.] to prevent any investigation of the offences she is alleged to have committed:

From: Tim Hicks

Sent: 28 December 2014 11:34

To: Cllr.Tom Fox (

Subject: FW: Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller, CFO of Belvedere Computers Inc and Portfolio Holder for Finance Procurement and Legal

Dear Councillor Fox, 

I have had no response from you to the my e mails of the 22nd of May, 20th of June, 2nd of July, 26th of July, 11th of August 2014, 16th of September and 8th of November 2014 concerning Councillor Jane Kenyon-Miller, CFO of Belvedere Computers Inc and Portfolio Holder for Finance Procurement and Legal.   

I have therefore concluded that you are unlawfully supressing my complaint to protect Councillor Kenyon-Miller from investigation and possible arrest because she is a senior member of your party.

Scarborough Borough Council has a legal duty to investigate complaints.  As leader, of Scarborough Borough Council, you have a duty to ensure that standards are maintained and the law upheld impartially, as you did when you were the officer commanding Scarborough and Whitby Police.  I therefore consider that it is a breach of your duty and an abuse of your position as Leader of Scarborough Council to supress a complaint and prevent a criminal investigation into allegations of offences under the Localism Act 2011, because Councillor Kenyon-Miller is a member of your party.  It appears to me that Councillor Kenyon-Miller is being protected because of her status as a senior Conservative Councillor and Alderman, in exactly the same way that Peter Jaconelli was protected.

I would repeat my request that you initiate a standards investigation into Councillor Kenyon-Miller. 

I would also request that you direct Mrs Dixon and Councillor Kenyon-Miller to withdraw the threat to sue myself, Tim Thorne and Nigel Ward, over our coverage of these issues. 

Yours sincerely, 

Timothy Hicks

Exactly the same tactics the Police used to protect Councillor Jaconelli, during Councillor Fox’s service.

The NYE 3 Scandal 

Briefly, as soon as local journalists started investigating Councillor Peter Jaconelli [Con.] and Councillor Jane Kenyon Miller [Con.], Scarborough Borough Council Solicitor Lisa Dixon tried to close us down and threatened them with arrest – then denied havuing done so.  Full story here


How can this conduct be appropriate for a Mayor?

How can it be appropriate for Councillor Fox to stand as Mayor, while these allegations hang over him unresolved and undenied?

Councillor Fox should issue a full statement and an apology, or stand down.


Councillor Fox was offered the opportunity of commenting, but did not.

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