Sunday, February 9, 2025

“Called Out for a Liar”

“Called Out for a Liar”

Regular Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY offers his views on the latest SIDDONS scandal.


It now seems that the stench of corruption emanating from Steve “It’s a dogs breakfast Siddons’ (so-called) leadership of Scarborough Borough Council is so strong that it can be whiffed even as far away as Flamingo Land.

Siddons, already being investigated for not declaring an interest when he authorised the Council to buy a flat off one of his mates, for well over market value, has now, it appears, compounded his well-known liking for dodgy dealing (ARGOS scam) by lying to fellow Councillors.

I am of course referring to the statement Siddons made to Full Council in which he claimed that he:

“…was continuing to work with Flamingo Land on proposals for the former Futurist site.

When in actual fact, according to Flamingo Land Chief Executive Gordon Gibb:

“Flamingo Land has not discussed our plans for the Futurist with Cllr. Siddons since shortly after he became Council Leader a number of years ago”. 

Mr Gibb further added:

Cllr. Siddons’ recent comments regarding Scarborough Councils continuing work with Flamingo Land on proposals for the former Futurist site could not be further from the truth.”

Further from the truth: So Siddons is Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire?

What the brainwashed Muppets who only recently voted to save Siddons’ chaotic leadership must be making of the accusations of dodgy dealing and the lying is, of course, anyone’s guess.

How will the Muppets respond to the damming accusation made by Mr Gibb that:

Unlike the other Council representatives (employed and elected) that had shared Flamingo Land’s dream to deliver a world class entertainment facility to Scarborough, the new leader (Siddons) was not engaged, seemed dismissive and has never made contact with us since”.

But my guess is that they will just bury their collective heads in the sand and say nothing.

These so-called Councillors, such as John (Wacko) Atkinson for example, are, as most bemused residents know only too well, so out of touch with reality that they might not have even seen the media coverage and if they have, it is debatable whether most of them will have even understood what they have read.

However, Mr Gibb’s assessment of Siddons leadership is, as I see it, a damming indictment of his time in power and when Mr Gibb says:

We do not believe they [Siddons and his cronies] have the understanding, knowledge, energy or imagination to make this project happen”.

he is confirming a verdict of total incompetence against Siddons and his cronies.

Siddons’ term in office has been nothing but a shambolic Dog’s Breakfast and those who have supported him – his two Green Party lap dogs, Will Forbes and Neil Robinson plus, of course, Janet Jefferson’s Independent Group and the little gang of bitter ex Tories – should be ashamed of themselves.

These deluded Councillors should, in fact, read the Code of Conduct which as members of the Council they agreed to uphold, in particular;

SELFLESSNESS: Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.

INTEGRITY: Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.

LEADERSHIP: Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

As many people have pointed out, it is questionable whether Siddons and his cronies would recognise any of these Code of Conduct principles if they slapped them in the face.

So, great leader Siddons, methinks your time in power is up and for all the good you are doing here most residents, I would suggest, say GO!

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