Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

Broken Promises #2 – Cllr Phil Kershaw

“Broken Promises” is a series of articles looking at the election promises of councillors who were elected to Scarborough Borough Council in May 2019 and their actions as your Borough Council representatives since. Second on the list is Cllr Phil [...]

August 24, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Broken Promises #1 – Cllr Guy Smith

Given that the Scarborough Borough Council officers tasked with intercepting my emails are still gainfully employed, I’ll have to hope the information disseminated in this article reaches Cllr Smith on the grapevine and he decides to write a response to [...]

August 18, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Not For Publication

Having decided to sit back for a couple of months after the May local elections to see what the new administration are capable of, I decided it is time to speak out about the latest madcap scheme coming from SBC. [...]

July 15, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Skullduggery in Higher Places?

In today’s Letter to the Editor, Filey resident JOHN MOOK offers a personal opinion on some very strange Planning activities at the by-now infamous HA24 development in Filey which have all the makings of . . . – THE NEXT [...]

June 24, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Handbags at Dawn

Handbags at Dawn As is commonly known, Scarborough Borough Council can boast more leaks than a Full Welsh breakfast. In the coming weeks, I expect some startling revelations to grace the pages of the North Yorks Enquirer – and other [...]

June 10, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Tory PM-hopeful BLOCKED by SBC

Tory PM-hopeful BLOCKED by SBC The Enquirer is fortunate to have received sight of the following email from NYE Police & Crime correspondent Tim HICKS to former Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.], whose policy to intercept and [...]

May 31, 2019 Letters

“Wildly Conflicting Views” [Letters]

Two wildly conflicting Letters to the Editor – from regulars NORMAN MURPHY and FRANK SHEPHERD – commenting, respectively, on factors contributing to the outcome of the recent local elections and the portends for the future under a new regime. ~~~~~ [...]

May 17, 2019 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

No Holiday From RIPA

There is much disquiet among Scarborough Borough Councillors regarding the delay in appointments to council committees and outside bodies. The appointments, which will put a few extra quid in the pockets of experienced councillors, are normally tied up quickly after [...]

May 15, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Election Results 2019

Scarborough Borough Council Election Results 2019 The Enquirer hopes to be able to up-date this page ‘on the fly’ as results are declared. (We are given to understand from approximately 11:30am, 3rd May 2019). This page does not auto-update so [...]

May 3, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Private Eye on Flamingo Land

Private Eye on Flamingo Land With customary panache – and impeccable timing – Private Eye magazine has been keeping watch on Iconic Leisure Ltd, alias Flamingo Land – the regular donor to the Conservative Party that has now become the [...]

May 2, 2019 Private Eye, Scarborough Borough Council