Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

Latest Performance at the End of the West Pier

Latest Performance at the End of the West Pier NYE Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS shines his spotlight on an extraordinary but not entirely successful juggling act. ~~~~~ There are many – especially those within the fishing industry at Scarborough – who [...]

February 28, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

ERYC: Confidential Bullying Report Published

ERYC: Confidential Bullying Report Published Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY has published a ‘leaked’ Local Government Association (LGA) Confidential Peer Review which reveals the extent of the bullying culture at East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Regular readers will be aware that, [...]

February 23, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council

“Dear Janet – Why, Why, Why?”

“Dear Janet – Why, Why, Why?” Alderman NORMAN MURPHY takes Castle Ward Councillor and Cabinet stalwart Janet Jefferson to task . . .  echoing her “Why, why, why?”. ~~~~~ As some of you will no doubt have noticed the lying [...]

February 17, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

SIDDONS’ Duplicity Exposed

SIDDONS’ Duplicity Exposed Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY spills the beans on the best-kept secret behind the much-resented demolition of the Futurist Theatre. Yet another “nothing could be further from the truth” episode – and another brick in the wall [...]

February 6, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

“Called Out for a Liar”

“Called Out for a Liar” Regular Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY offers his views on the latest SIDDONS scandal. ~~~~~ It now seems that the stench of corruption emanating from Steve “It’s a dog’s breakfast” Siddons’ (so-called) leadership of Scarborough [...]

January 31, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Stormin’ Norman’s VoNC Report

Stormin’ Norman’s VoNC Report Guest Author Alderman Murphy shares his views on the recent Houdini routine at Scarborough Borough Council – and those who made it possible. ~~~~~ So the third Vote of No Confidence (VoNC) brought against LABOUR leader, Steve [...]

January 25, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Another £1M+ “Lost at Sea”

Another £1M+ “Lost at Sea” Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS examines the Scarborough Coastal Defence Strategy (SCDS) – and wonders where the money has gone . . . ~~~~~ Scarborough Coastal Defence Strategy July 2021 saw the announcement that the Council would [...]

January 9, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC’s Offices To Let

SBC’s Offices To Let Enquirer stalwart NORMAN MURPHY offers his ‘take’ on the Leader’s Urgent Decision to secretively acquire Pavilion House and Comet Corner for £3½ million. ~~~~~ I bet, when Steve “It’s a Dog’s Breakfast” Siddons, the fool who thinks [...]

January 5, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC 2022: Apocalypse Now!

SBC 2022: Apocalypse Now! Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY offers his views on the death throes of Scarborough Borough Council and the financial prospects going forward. ~~~~~ As we begin the third year of the Steve (“It’s a dog’s breakfast”) Siddons’ dictatorial [...]

December 30, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

“Planning Plonkers”

“Planning Plonkers” The ever-popular Alderman NORMAN MURPHY provides our latest Guest Author article. ~~~~~ Oh dear, how sad; glorious Leader of the Council, Steve (“It’s a dog’s breakfast”) Siddons, did not get his flagship project, the ARGOS scam, through Planning. Just [...]

December 20, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council