Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

“I Could Have Told You, Vincent!”

On 6th March 2016, the Enquirer published a Letter to the Editor from Allan ROBERTS of Scarborough concerning the abysmal management of the Vincent Pier Crane under the purview of Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], Portfolio Holder for Project Leadership, Harbours, [...]

August 9, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

PTC Voids ERYC Standards Regime

Guest Author East Riding of Yorkshire Independent Councillor ANDY STRANGEWAY reports on the Cooperman complaints saga and illustrates how Councils’ Code of Conduct Complaints Procedures, as established under the Localism Act 2011, are NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. This has implications [...]

July 27, 2017 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Pocklington Town

Whitby Town Council Caught Short

Guest Author MIKE WARD , former SBC Councillor [Ind.], offer his (unabridged) comments on the imprudence of Whitby Town Council. ~~~~~ Whitby Town Council Caught Short Has Whitby once again been taken to the cleaners by SBC? They have persuaded [...]

July 20, 2017 Whitby Town

COCKERILL’s West Pier Davits: The Facts

COCKERILL’s West Pier Davits: The Facts by Guest Author ALLAN ROBERTS, presenting readers with chapter and verse on the monumental arrogance and incompetence behind decision-making processes at Scarborough Harbour. ~~~~~ In 2006 Scarborough Borough Council installed two fish-landing davits on [...]

June 25, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Vote “No Confidence”

Vote “No Confidence” by SAM CROSS   Why are we calling a vote of No Confidence in the Leader of the Council and his Cabinet? There are a myriad of reasons. The appalling waste of taxpayer’s money that stretches over [...]

June 21, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

‘Out of Order’ – Or Just A ‘Slight’ Improvement?

‘Out of Order’ – Or Just A ‘Slight’ Improvement? Guest author ALLAN ROBERTS draws readers’ attention to a matter of arithmetical competency (or otherwise) and/or the honesty (or otherwise) on the part of SBC Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], Portfolio Holder [...]

June 9, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

Scarborough Proxy Council

Scarborough Proxy Council A word of thanks to the anonymous Scarborough resident who has forwarded the following document (below), accompanied by this explanatory message: “I applied for a proxy vote for 8th June and received the below confirmation letter from [...]

May 16, 2017 Scarborough Borough Council

The Hidden Agenda – a Closing Chapter?

The Hidden Agenda – a Closing Chapter? by Guest Author MIKE WARD. ~~~~~ Are we are entering the closing chapter in Whitby’s secondary schools’ long-running saga? Do County Officials really care about the future of education in our Town? We [...]

May 9, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

No Hidden Agenda?! – Part 3

Guest Author Mike Ward follows up on his recent articles. ~~~~~ No Hidden Agenda?! – Part 3 It has long been said that there is a right way, a wrong way and the Whitby way. However, educational issues, with the [...]

March 26, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council

No Hidden Agenda – Part 2

Guest Author Mike Ward follows up on his recent article “A Hidden Agenda For Our Schools?!”. ~~~~~ No Hidden Agenda – Part 2 Changes appear to be afoot at Caedmon College Whitby, with redundancies being announced. Potential 6th Form students [...]

March 21, 2017 North Yorkshire County Council