A Letter to the Editor from Marie STEPHENSON of Scarborough, adding her voice to the many who have found the courage to “blow the whistle”, only to see ranks closed, doors slammed and talk of “threats or retaliation”.
Dear Editor,
I read with great interest the letter from Karen Miller – 24th March, 2015 and applaud her transparency.
Like Karen, I too have faced a life-changing experience, which resulted in me turning to SBC Councillor’s for help only to be greeted with a side I naïvely was unaware of – shady, dark . . . and it keeps expanding.
Circumstances lead me to a GENTLEMAN that fits Karen’s exact description via NY Enquirer and over time I have been helped to see through my “naïvety” and gain a greater understanding of politics and local government.
I urge residents of Scarborough to look “BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS” – start asking questions of these supposedly public-spirited servants – remove your rose-tinted glasses.
This coming polling day, residents of Scarborough rise up and vote for TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY and a FAIRER DEMOCRACY.
When you know you are right – PERSEVERE and demonstrate your CIVIC COURAGE.
Yours sincerely,
Marie Stephenson
Marie STEPHENSON, Scarborough. 8th April, 2015.