West Pier Conflict Unravelled

West Pier Conflict Unravelled

North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS attempts to clear up a great deal of misinformation concerning the incompatibility between the already-approved Boat-Hoist project for Scarborough’s West Pier and the Scarborough Town Deal Board’s desire to turn the West Pier into a tourist plaza. Never the twain shall meet.


I refer to NYC Councillor Heather Phillips’ interview of 4th Oct  2024 on “This is the Coast” radio.

Having listened to the comments made on 4th Oct 2024 by NYC Cllr Heather Phillips, in a ‘This is The Coast’ radio interview regarding the possible withdrawal of Town Deal funding, and in particular her misplaced perception that the proposed Boat-Hoist is reliant on Town Deal funding to bring it into reality, I note that some much-needed clarity would be helpful to one and all.

Here is Cllr Phillips’ Statement:

To be absolutely clear, the Boat-Hoist is NOT part of the West Pier Regeneration Scheme; it is a completely separate project for which funding arrangements have already been sought and approved, from completely separate Governmental Agencies. Cllr Phillips seems to be unaware of this.

The Business Case for the Boat-Hoist has been considered and approved by NYC.

A manufacturer has been sourced and has given an assurance that, at the time of the approval, they can meet the NYC deadlines.

A Boat-Hoist is a mobile operational facility, and does not require Planning permission but does require safe operating space.

The problem NYC is faced with is that the West Pier Regeneration Planning Application does not leave a safe operating space for a Boat-Hoist, because they intend to build warehousing on the ONLY location available on West Pier compatible with the safe and efficient operation of a Boat-Hoist, despite having been well aware of those conflicting requirements throughout.

As a result of that lack of consideration, a Letter of Objection was lodged with NYC by former Scarborough Council Planning Manager Marcus Whitmore, on behalf of The Friends of Scarborough Harbour.

This Objection highlights that very point, stressing why the West Pier Regeneration Plan should not be given the go-ahead UNLESS adequate operational space for the Boat-Hoist is provided, which is physically impossible within the present Planning application.

In summary, the facts are as follows:

  • That the statement by Cllr Phillips, although made in good faith, was nevertheless incorrect, inaccurate and misleading;
  • That the Boat-Hoist is on the starting blocks and good-to-go, and is not dependent on Town Deal Funding, or Planning permissions.
  • That the biggest threat to the Boat-Hoist is the Town Deal Board itself, who have refused to acknowledge the obvious and wide-ranging benefits that a Boat-Hoist would bring.
  • That any delays to either projects are due  to the Town Deal Board’s attempts to introduce leisure onto the West Pier, which – unlike the Boat-Hoist – is totally incompatible with the maritime use for which the Harbour was always intended.

Perhaps if the Town Deal Team had been less manipulative with the results of the Harbour Users consultations, and more truthful in the claimed support of those Harbour Users, then Cllr Phillips would have been spared considerable embarrassment.

And – lest we forget (Yorkshire Post 29th May 2024):


The following YouTube video perfectly illustrates the urgent need for a Boat-Hoist IF Scarborough is to take advantage of the burgeoning Renewables industry and the concomitant regeneration of the Harbour more generally and, in particular, the recovering fishing and crustacean industries.

The video was made in 2019 – making the point that North East Lincolnshire Council was five years plus ahead of the best visionary minds at North Yorkshire Council or the Scarborough Town Deal Board:

[youtube id=”I2ewKOGBihw” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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