Wednesday, February 12, 2025

“Tony’s Christmas Message”

A Christmas Message from Tony RANDERSON – humanist, trade-unionist, and local politician at Borough and County level.


A few thoughts on the Season of Goodwill to All – with a New Year fast approaching . . .

My thoughts at this festive time of year are once again with those poor unfortunates that are sleeping rough and the many, many homeless in and around the Borough of Scarborough and Whitby. I understand eight are sleeping rough in Scarborough alone, this is eight too many in the freezing temperatures during this “goodwill season”.

“Is there any room at the Inn” is very clearly an appropriate phrase during this so called Season of Goodwill to All.

Can this really be a record this government can defend when we are hurtling in the fast lane towards the second decade of the 21st Century?

Food Bank numbers are soaring, the cost of living is escalating, wages for those fortunate enough to be in work are back-pedalling.

There is little initiative for those not in work to seek work, due to Zero Hour Contracts, or work via an Agency, where our citizens have no idea where or for how long they will be working and, indeed, when offered work it is more likely than not to be on the Minimum Wage, and certainly not a Living Wage as this Government would like us all to think.

It is at this festive time of year all of our Politicians should be thinking of all those in dire circumstances, who will not be contemplating what presents they may receive and certainly not being able to buy more, so they will be thinking about just where their next meal is coming from, and just how long they may have a roof over their heads.

It is not just because I am a socialist and firmly believe that absolutely no-one in this the 21st Century should be in this predicament, it is because I am a humanitarian and grieve not just for my children’s generation but their children’s generation. I really do not see any light at the end of the tunnel, purely because of the policies foisted upon us by this current uncaring government, out of touch with the very people they should be looking after.

Some of the comments made by certain Westminster politicians regarding the Poor, the Vulnerable along with the Elderly are abhorrent, yet these same politicians keep getting voted in time after time, and just why is this ?

Can it really be that people just do not care anymore about their fellow human beings in this country? Surely not – and especially not at Christmas time. When the elections come around, either local or national, can it really be the case that our citizens put a cross at the side of a prospective politician without thinking through the consequences of such? Surely not. Can it really be that those who do not bother to vote at all are happy with their current lot, despite seeing the diabolical results of the current political “Masters” in Westminster? Surely not!

I ask all who may read this, at this not so wonderful time of the year for so many, to bear this in mind – it is so easy to forget. There needs to be a change of direction, a change in political priorities to ensure that there is a degree of hope for all and not just the few.

To those that can enjoy this festive period, I wish you a Wonderful Time and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

To those who are struggling valiantly, I hope that the New Year brings a change for the better as soon as possible.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes,


Tony RANDERSON, Scarborough. 25th December, 2017.

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