Saturday, February 8, 2025

Scarborough Proxy Council

Scarborough Proxy Council

A word of thanks to the anonymous Scarborough resident who has forwarded the following document (below), accompanied by this explanatory message:

“I applied for a proxy vote for 8th June and received the below confirmation letter from SBC electorate dept…’s on a fictitious letterhead, unsigned by John Doe (I suppose a dead guy cannot sign his name).”

One simple explanation could be that a member of the Elections Team pulled out a template document and fired it off without making the necessary adjustments/alterations. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

On the other hand, perhaps the Returning Officer, Mr Jim DILLON (who is also the Chief Executive Officer and Head of Paid Service for Scarborough Borough Council), has finally lost the plot – having been inundated by offers of friendship from potential penpals.

Either way, it demonstrates a departure from the standards of accuracy that should be de rigeur in any banana republic.

In a word, another dropped bollock from the cock-up factory. Enjoy!


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