SBC: The Empire Strikes Back – with Disdain

SBC: The Empire Strikes Back – with Disdain

  • an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the first signs of a reaction from SBC to either the Whitby or the Filey  No Confidence motions.


I am now able to report that, following letters to the Town Hall both from Councillor Ian HAVELOCK (the Whitby Town Councillor who successfully proposed a Whitby Town Council’s Vote of No Confidence in the Leader and Cabinet of Scarborough Borough Council) and from the Clerk to Filey Town Council, Gina ROBINSON (who wrote a couple of weeks ago to SBC CEO Jim DILLON and Leader Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] to inform them of Filey Town Council’s Vote of No Confidence in the CEO, the Leader and the Cabinet) there has been a response (of sorts) from the CEO and the Leader, but only to the Clerk of Filey Town Council (in whose in-tray the response has languished for a week while she was on leave).

Here is that response:

For readers who are not fluent in Councilspeak, here follows a translation into plain English:

Monday 20th February 2017

To the Clerk to Filey Town Council,

Thank you for your letter of 14th February 2017.

Be aware: you need us – we don’t need you. Go screw yourselves.

Yours contumeliously


Jim Dillon

Derek Bastiman

This was to be expected. These two supermen certainly know how to endear themselves to the ‘irrelevant’ ordinary people whom they purport to serve – but clearly disdain.

However, what their response also conveys, though unintentionally, is that Mssrs DILLON and BASTIMAN have not fathomed the nature of the next move. Which is good. Very good.

With regard to Whitby Town Council’s vote of NO CONFIDENCE, Councillor Ian HAVELOCK tells me that he has heard nothing, by way of response, from the despised duo. This, too, was to be expected. Councillor Ian HAVELOCK’s email of 8th February 2017 is concise, courteous and informative.

Only men of the lowest calibre would think it fit to ignore it.

Dear Cllr. Bastiman,
I am writing on my own behalf to inform you that I brought the following motion to the full Whitby Town Council, yesterday the 7th. February.

“Whitby Town Council no longer has confidence in the Leader and Cabinet of Scarborough Borough Council”

This motion was carried by a majority vote and is now approved by full Council. You may now wish to consider your position as Leader.

                  Yours sincerely,

                  Cllr. Ian Havelock

It is not known whether or not Councillor BASTIMAN is considering his position. It is not even known whether or not Councillor BASTIMAN is aware that everyone else is considering his position – considering, that is, that it would be best for all concerned if he vacated it, taking his sneering mannerisms and his coterie of toadies and lickspittles with him.





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