Sunday, February 9, 2025

SBC CEO: First Class to Sofia?

SBC CEO: First Class to Sofia?



Further to recent articles (here, and here) reporting on payments made using a Scarborough Borough Council corporate credit cards, readers will (perhaps) be unsurprised to learn that an inspection of the July 2018 Procurement Card transactions assigned to the Chief Executive Office reveals another jolly jaunt to a foreign capital – this time, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Whether these excursions were necessitated by the demands of an official position (perhaps to secure for Scarborough twinning status with another EU capital while a visa is not yet necessary), or to follow the fortunes of some Jock ‘footie’ club in European competition is not (at this time) entirely clear.

What is clear is the opulence of Sofia’s Five-Star Grand Hotel. It may not be as much fun to stay at as the YMCA – but it beats the old Air B&B. And it gives new meaning to the expression “servants’ quarters”.


Dominating the heart of the city Grand Hotel Sofia is a deluxe five-star hotel that has been home for international business travelers, high-profile events and cosmopolitan society since 2004. Art-lovers and food connoisseurs alike will appreciate the hotel gallery and its fine-dining Shades of Red restaurant.

The Hotel is a stylish residence in a prime location with a welcoming and dedicated staff that will ensure your stay will exceed your expectations. Throughout the years Grand Hotel Sofia has accommodated a remarkable variety of international celebrities and dignitaries.

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