Following the latest fiasco at Scarborough Borough Council, Labour Group Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS has issued a Press Release. This follows hard on the heels of a public challenge to the integrity of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Procurement & Legal, Councillor Helen MALLORY [Con.].
Labour Group Press Release
Following a demand from the Labour Group, the Conservative administration have removed the Budget papers from the meeting agenda at Full Council on Friday.
Labour Group Leader, Steve Siddons explained. ‘Members of the Council and the Public have only just been provided with the papers despite their importance. Debating this budget with less than the statutory 5 days provision of the detail of the budget is unacceptable. The Council could have found itself in the position of potentially being challenged about the legality of setting the Budget.
‘ I am pleased to note that, after speaking to the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr Helen Mallory that she agreed with the Labour Group and has withdrawn the agenda item”
“This provides the public and Councillors with more time to scrutinise the detail and is in the interest of the Council conducting business in an open and transparent manner which is a fundamental principle for the Labour Group”
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