Monday, March 3, 2025

Open Letter to NYCC

An Open Letter on the subject of Adult Social Care (ASC) to County Councillor Helen SWIERS [Con.], in her capacity as Chair of North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), from County Councillor Tony RANDERSON [Lab.]. Councillor RANDERSON is also a Scarborough Borough Councillor (SBC).


Madam Chairman.

I cannot in all conscience support this budget, although in a quite minute way sympathise with Cllr Dadd and the Executive in their uncomfortable positions in these times of Austerity foisted upon us all by their Tory Government.

It is diabolical that once again there is a recommendation for us all to chew over of yet another 2% precept on Social Services.

This is again another double whammy upon those good residents throughout North Yorkshire.

The Government has already received finances from us all to ensure Social Services are adequately catered for, just why should our citizens have to pay twice for the same service.

To put a further extra financial burden in the County Councils court, purely because of this continuous slashing of funding from Central Government, is a step too far. It just is not fair or equitable.

I am perfectly aware that the County Council has attempted to protect adult social care spending to a much greater extent than many other councils and it now spends 42% of its budget on social care of older people along with vulnerable adults, for this they must be applauded.

However, North Yorkshire citizens pay more Council Tax and receives less government funding along with having higher costs due to the delivery of its services right across England’s largest rural authority. This has to be correct because these are Cllr Dadds words and not my own, however I agree whole heartedly with them.

This being the case I have to beg the question from North Yorkshire’s illustrious Members of Parliament just what they are doing, if anything, to address this ludicrous situation, where our council tax in varying parts of North Yorkshire is higher than most if not all constituencies throughout Britain. Their unacceptable silence is deafening, it clearly is the case living in their respective Ivory Towers of yes you are struggling but “I’m alright, Jack”.

It just cannot be right that once again our residents have to dig deep into their own pockets just in order to prop up failing government economic policies.

For the avoidance of doubt, I also take issue with the continuous term ‘Savings’ when we should be clearly pointing out that these are ‘Cuts’ to this County Councils funding.

I shall be resisting this budget for these reasons.

Thank you Madam Chairman.

Kind Regards,


Tony RANDERSON, Scarborough. 22nd February 2018.

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