It is some time now since the North Yorks Enquirer exposed theautocratic conduct of Hambleton District Council. Thanks to Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY, we can now offer another nail. HDC Director Michael JEWITT, who signed off the eponymous ban, will not be amused – or grateful.
Hambleton Overnight Parking Ban – Fundamental Flaw
At taxpayers expenses, less than two weeks ago Hambleton District Council (HDC) introduced an overnight parking ban for Leeming Bar Industrial Estate and surrounding areas that is unenforceable.
Public Space Protection Order – Hambleton District Council – No Overnight Parking
HDC claim this is to prevent anti-social behaviour. How sleeping in a vehicle can be anti-social is beyond me.
Please see Public Space Protection Order – Hambleton District Council – No Overnight Parking
I have previously successfully challenged the Highland Council that their no overnight parking signs had no legal basis not only because there was no legal framework to support them but also as ‘overnight’ cannot be defined.
Please see BBC: Highland Council to remove “no overnight parking” signs.
My challenge resulted in more than 300 “No Overnight Parking” signs being removed.
For example, is ‘overnight’:
- During the hours of darkness
- Between 22.00 and 06.00
- For five minutes between given hours
As HDC have failed to define overnight I recommended that they remove all signage at the earliest opportunity and revisit the PSPO.
In addition, I invite them to advise me how sleeping in a vehicle can be considered anti-social behaviour.
I am happy to park “overnight” in the said location with the full knowledge of HDC to allow them to attempt to prosecute me in a Court of Law.