Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Filey Next For NO CONFIDENCE Vote

Filey Next For NO CONFIDENCE Vote

Filey Town Council has published the Agenda for its Special Meeting on Monday 13th February 2017.

Item 7 on the Agenda will be of special interest to the growing number of people who have ‘signed’ the on-line petition calling for a Vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the increasingly unpopular Scarborough Borough Council Leader, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] and his seven Cabinet Colleagues – Councillor Helen MALLORY [Con.], Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], Councillor Bill CHATT [Ind.], Councillor Andrew JENKINSON [Con.], Councillor Joe PLANT [Con.], Councillor Sandra TURNER [Con.] and Councillor Andy BACKHOUSE [Con.].

The Meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00pm at the Council Chamber, 52A Queen Street, FILEY, North Yorkshire,YO14 9HE.

This follows the successful similar Motion carried at Whitby Town Council on Tuesday 7th February 2017. Report here.

In addition to the three Town Councils in the Borough of Scarborough (Eastfield Town Council is the third), there are 35 Parish Councils.

In addition to being Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, Councillor Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] sits on Newby & Scalby Parish Council.

Most Parish Councils grant a fifteen minute period of Public Participation, at which members of the public may address questions or express opinions to Councillors. Usually, a maximum of five speakers are allowed no more than three minutes each in which to deliver their remarks.

A Motion may be placed on an Agenda either at the prerogative of the Chair or of any two Councillors.

A full list of Parish Councils, with contact details, is available here.

Parish Councils are invited to contact the Enquirer at news@nyenquirer.uk to report similar Motions, as they arise.

Could this herald the ‘Scarborough Spring’.?

Here follows the Agenda for Filey Town Council’s Special Meeting. Item 7 is highlighted for convenience of reference:

Download the PDF file FTC_Agenda_130217.

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