Another very timely Letter to the Editor from HERO SUMNER, Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers’ Association (YCLPA) and Whitby Town Councillor (WTC), who writes to clarify a small oversight of an instance of second sight on the part of YCBID Director BEN GILLIGAN, whose exploits featured to good effect in HERO’s earlier Letter here:
Dear Editor
I always like to think I’m nothing if not thorough – however occasionally my ‘eye for detail’ becomes a little blurred…
Especially if I’m concentrating on watching something like, for instance, a magician’s sleight of hand?
It was just pointed out to me by an eagle eyed observer that I’d neglected to mention that the ambitious young Mr Ben Gilligan was actually on the board of directors of . . . Sheffield Business Improvement District Ltd (SBID).
I neglected to mention it because . . . I wasn’t actually aware at the time – so I thought I’d better look it up.
And there it is in black and white . . . apparently Mr Ben Gilligan resigned from SBID on 29th November 2018.
Now why does that date ring a bell?
Oh, I remember now . . . 29th November 2018 . . . the very day the Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District (YCBID) ballot closed.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
Hero Sumner