- – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, announcing a long-awaited move to lift a great burden from tourism businesses along the Yorkshire Coast.
It has (finally) been announced that Scarborough Borough Council will convene an Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council, at 2:00pm on Thursday 28th July 2022, to consider a motion first mooted in mid-May.
The delay is the consequence of a request by CEO Mike GREENE to Proposer, Councillor Bill CHATT to amend the motion to provide a substantive outcome – a request with which Councillor CHATT and his co-signatories were happy to accommodate. The amended phrase is underlined in red. A packed public gallery is anticipated.
Regular readers will note the close similarity to the motion recently carried unanimously at East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
However, the sting in the tail of the SBC motion provides an opportunity for Mr Clive ROWE-EVANS (Chair) and his Board of Directors of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd to do the honourable thing that any and every honourable man would do in these circumstances – dissolve the BID company immediately.