Wednesday 10th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "County" Category

4,000 Holes In Blackburn Cover-Up

4,000 Holes In Blackburn Cover-Up an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on an unexpected twist in the apparent  COVER-UP of the alleged siphoning-off of Allowances for party-political purposes by ‘double-dipper’ North Yorkshire County Councillor John BLACKBURN (also [...]

July 21, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council
County Hall - Northallerton

NYCC Funding Conservative Party Jollies?

Regular readers may remember a few recent articles about the mileage of Councillors at North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC). From the NYCC data, we established that during a three year period sufficient mileage was claimed to drive to the moon [...]

July 18, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall - Northallerton

NYCC: Out Of Control?

The minutes from North Yorkshire County Council Executive meetings are normally mundane, but the minutes from 29th November 2011 and 3rd July 2012 reveal some startling allegations against Officers of North Yorkshire Trading Standards (NYTS) and North Yorkshire County Council. [...]

July 7, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council
York Potash's Proposed Dove's Nest Site

York Potash Now Set To Compete With Boulby

Information on the website of the York Potash parent company, Sirius Minerals, seems to indicate the York Potash project is changing direction yet again. Regular readers may remember the original York Potash plan. The plan was to sink a couple [...]

June 29, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority

County Councillor BLACKBURN “would not do that” – Oh, really?

County Councillor BLACKBURN “would not do that” – Oh, really? an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on another sorry travesty of the Complaints Procedure at NYCC. ~ On 16th December 2012, I published an article entitled “The [...]

June 17, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

York Potash Petition Faked

A petition in support of the proposed York Potash polyhalite mine near Whitby is being investigated by the North York Moors National Park Authority after it emerged that the names of Whitby and Scarborough residents were falsely added. Two contributors [...]

May 31, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority

Police Chief’s “Impossible Journeys”

Police Chief’s  “Impossible Journeys” an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on an extraordinarily penny-pinching pecuniary advantage obtained by one who, perhaps above all others, should be (and be seen to be) ‘whiter than white’. ~ “Les Misér(ables)” [...]

May 27, 2013 Hambleton District Council, North Yorkshire County Council, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two]

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part Two] an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward – reporting on some disturbing revelations regarding serious doubts about the impartiality of the local press coverage of the Sirius Minerals planning application. Click here to [...]

May 21, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part One]

“Economical With The Truth?” [Part One] – an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on some widely-believed assertions about the NYP Major Fraud Investigation Team’s investigation into the formation of new minerals companies in the NYMNP. [Part Two [...]

May 19, 2013 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council

Double-Dipping: McCartney Puts Record Straight!

All has been quiet on the Double-Dipping front for some time now; not really surprising given that North Yorkshire County Council elections were scheduled for the 2nd May. No-one was willing to stick their head above the parapet, given it [...]

May 15, 2013 North Yorkshire County Council, Selby District Council