Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

West Pier: Piles of Money?

West Pier: Piles of Money? Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS seems to have identified a previously ovrerlooked source of funding to facilitate a full repair to the West Pier sheet-piling dilapidation. And set some cracks appearing in the administration’s (rocky) armour? [...]

November 29, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC West Pier Bullnose ‘Bullshine’

SBC West Pier Bullnose ‘Bullshine’ North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS has once again excavated some “lessons will be learned’ bullshine from the forgotten annals of SBC Harbours history – 70 years of neglect – forgotten, perhaps, because it presents [...]

November 22, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

Piling On The Agony!

Piling On The Agony! North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS writes with an update to his article of last week – “A Bad Case of Piles?”  (which went down very well – but not in the CEO’s office!). ~~~~~ For [...]

November 15, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

A Bad Case of Piles?

A Bad Case of Piles? North Yorks Enquirer Harbours Correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS, whose forensic examinations of SBC Harbours procedures and practices is always scrupulously accurate, has identified yet another ‘irregularity’ in the background to the universally unpopular West Pier ‘regeneration’ [...]

November 11, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council

YCBID: ‘Family Man’ Resigns

YCBID: ‘Family Man’ Resigns Guest Author ALDERMAN NORMAN MURPHY reports on some encouraging indications of another “crisis of confidence” – this time within Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd. ~~~~~ As those of you who have been following the sleazy goings on [...]

October 29, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Route YC – What is it?

ALDERMAN NORMAN MURPHY offers an interesting perspective on the roots of Route YC, a slushy tour of Yorkshire Coast car parks – yet another Yorkshire Coast BID ‘innovation’. Readers keenly awaiting Episode One (the third and final Episode of HERO [...]

October 22, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council

out BID ~ BID out

out BID ~ BID out Alderman Norman Murphy writes, as Guest Author, to provide his explanation for why the Yorkshire Coast BID has proved such an unpopular ‘stealth tax’ burden on businesses attempting to survive following the pandemic and the ensuing [...]

October 4, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council

YCBID: A Parody of Governance

Guest Author Alderman Stormin’ NORMAN MURPHY writes to explain why, in his view, Scarborough Borough Council was right to pass a Vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the governance arrangements of Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District Ltd (YCBID). ~~~~~ As those [...]

September 16, 2022 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Letters to the Fisherman’s Friend

Following Letters from John Senior MBE TD and Mr Peter Lee, once again, the North Yorks Enquirer has been made privy, in the public interest, to correspondence addressed to Scarborough & Whitby MP, Sir Robert Goodwill (Conservative), and other ‘powerful’ [...]

September 10, 2022 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Miss the Boat (Hoist) – Yet Again

SBC Miss the Boat (Hoist) – Yet Again North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS examines the curious disappearance of plans for a Boat Hoist from the Town Deal application for grant funding for the ‘regeneration’ of Scarborough’s West Pier. [...]

September 1, 2022 Scarborough Borough Council