Tuesday 16th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Monthly Archives: June 2024


Today’s Guest Author is an Alderman with 20 years of Council experience, who now proceeds to FACT CHECK the rookie Leader who allegedly couldn’t lead a one-man band. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Stormin’ Norman Murphy. ~~~~~ As a [...]

October 31, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

ARGOS Consultation with Scarborough Harbour Users Group

ARGOS Consultation with Scarborough Harbour Users Group Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on a curious disparity in the various ARGOS consultation processes. Is someone attempting to tilt the playing-field again? ~~~~~ I draw your attention to the two statements at [...]

October 30, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Couzens 2: Could Couzens exist in NYP?

Couzens 2: Could Couzens exist in NYP? by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Introduction Miss Sarah Everard’s murder has damaged public confidence in the Police; not just the Metropolitan Police, but in all Forces. Following on from my article “Couzens The Key [...]

October 29, 2021 North Yorkshire Police, Police

STOP PRESS: SBC Planning Portal Subverted

STOP PRESS: SBC Planning Portal Subverted – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on an apparent abuse of the SBC Planning Process. ~~~~~ Following publication of my article “The Leader’s Same Old Refrain” (Thurs. 28th Oct ’21), [...]

October 28, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

The Leader’s Same Old Refrain

The Leader’s Same Old Refrain – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering a contrary opinion to that expressed by SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] in the local media – the bully playing the victim once again. [...]

October 28, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

‘Cry Baby’ SIDDONS Retreats on ARGOS

‘Cry Baby’ SIDDONS Retreats on ARGOS – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, commenting on the latest twist in the ARGOS saga of absurdities. ~~~~~ SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.] has issued what Councillors are describing as [...]

October 27, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Officers’ Silence is Golden

Officers’ Silence is Golden – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing some informed and well-sourced opinions on the trajectory of the ARGOS saga. ~~~~~ Once again, I must apologise in advance for the great length and detail [...]

October 26, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC ARGOS Business Case Not Viable

SBC ARGOS Business Case Not Viable A Letter to the Editor from NICK GREEN, casting a banker’s eye over the business case for the project to ‘regenerate’ the former ARGOS building. ~~~~~ Dear Editor Following on from the Residents meeting [...]

October 25, 2021 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Keith Tordoff MBE [Ind.] to stand for PFCC again

Keith Tordoff MBE [Ind.] to stand for PFCC again by Tim Hicks ~~~~~  Introduction Following the resignation of Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner Philip Allott, elections will be held on the 25th of November 2021 to determine who will be the next Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner [...]

October 24, 2021 North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?”

“Won’t You Come Home, Alex Bailey?” Guest Author Alderman NORMAN MURPHY shares his opinion of the democratic contribution provided by Castle Ward Councillor ALEX BAILEY [Lab.]. It is not a high opinion . . . ~~~~~ Have you seen this [...]

October 24, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council