Letters to the Editor from just two of a growing band of Potto-watchers responding to Enquirer coverage of arguably the worst Parish Council in England and Wales.
ADAM TAYLOR of Northallerton has been attempting to obtain answers from Potto Parish Council for four months and continues to be thwarted at every turn.
The second Letter comes from a contributor too afraid to be identified (!) following reports of Police intervention regarding harassment and intimidation directed at those who ask too many questions.
Part 3 of the series “Potto: Wheres the Money?” will appear later this week.
Hi Editor,
I want to let you know my feelings about these Enquirer articles that keep appearing about Potto Council – they’re fantastic. I want to tell you and your many new readers in Potto about how Potto Parish Council uses cover-up and endless delays to try to shut-up anyone who is plucky enough to ask thorny questions.
I figured a lot of details about the objections were being hidden by the Council, so I asked them on a public website for numbers of how many Objections were dismissed for various reasons or upheld for the Public Audit Report in July 2022:
You can see all their answers are really unhelpful and very antagonistic; it’s like they have a vexatious mindset to sweep infractions under the carpet.
I might find their grasp of these numbers hilarious if it wasn’t actually so serious.
For example, Potto Parish Council has told me by email that it doesn’t know where I found out 97 Objections were investigated, even after I had already told them earlier that this number is written in an Audit Report displayed on their own Council website!!!
I find Potto Council’s total lack of diligence towards transparency and accountability contemptibly bad. They still don’t get it, or appreciate the disaster they are obviously causing, which newspaper reports say will cost everyone £500 in extra Council Tax.
There is far more information about Objection numbers in Enquirer articles than I’ve ever got from the Council, despite 4 months trying.
Why isn’t the Clerk fired? Why do Councillors faff about like this? Why do they never apologise? Why don’t they ever admit mistakes or sort out the problems?
The auditor said governance is significantly and seriously weak – what an understatement that is! Councillors all seem cluelessly out-of-control and couldn’t care a fig if they comply with the FOIA or not. And the odd titbit released is often far from accurate. Shocking.
I will be writing to the Auditor soon. I don’t know how people like this can ever get put into positions of power. And now these people are trying to appeal the audit work, they must think they’re cowboys living in the Wild West. God help us!
Can you think about publishing a new article about how Potto Parish Council treats information given to the public and find out why the Clerk isn’t fired?
My commendations to your hard working investigators and editorial team – you have lots more to do here.
Many many thanks,
Adam Taylor
Northallerton Info Requester
Yours faithfully,
[Name & Address supplied]